Title: Abnegation
pointe_dancer01 Summary: I will give up all that is good, so that you may have all that is better. For Temperance, it is the greatest act of love she could ever perform for him.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: they don't belong to me, unfortunately.
Abnegate: 1 people capable of abnegation and unselfishness: self-denial
2 renounce or reject (something desired or valuable)
Temperance has always been secure in her knowledge that she is aesthetically pleasing, it is a genetic luck-of-the-draw as Booth would call it. And the fact is that even if she is brilliant and intensely exact, looks usually go hand in hand with success. She knows this from studies.
From experience.
Early on she would wonder why it wasn't enough.
And now, she uses what she has with cunning and a cold precision, tries to leave out the bitter taste in her mouth when she kisses the hard body presented before her. Watches her reflection over the sink with dead eyes hours later.
Booth doesn’t look twice at her often anymore, she can tell from physical markers that he is in pain when he sees her.
But she has nothing else to give, her mind & her body are all that she knows. And when her heart twinges, as if he has reached inside her chest and wrenched the organ with his bare hands, she uses that which she has been given to entice something distracting.
She is fulfilling her biological imperative, but it has never been so meaningless. All Temperance can see are brown eyes inspecting her accusingly the next morning.
It sucks the pleasure out of everything, but she won’t let herself change in the ways that could allow him in.
Everyday, with every step he takes, away from her, the safer he becomes.