Title:Absolutely Not
Prompt:Brennan, wheelchair(
"No." The male orderly rolled his eyes, quite used to the protests by now, but still unable to talk reason into her. He flashed a charming smile at the woman sitting primly in the hospital bed, and asked again, trying to have patience. They had been at this for nearly 10 minutes now.
"Ms. Brennan, it's standard hospital procedure, so if you wouldn't mind-" Blue eyes narrowed on him, and Sam swallowed thickly at the look he was receiving. He glanced to his left, at the artist who had been watching the scene with growing amusement, as if to ask for help. Angela struggled to keep a strait face and shrugged, because the kid was really just digging himself deeper every time he opened his mouth.
"It's Dr. Brennan, and I would mind, very much actually. I have a thorough understanding of the human body and its capabilities, after all I have been studying them longer than you have been alive, and I would know if my own was unequal to the task of walking." Temperance regarded the paling nurse with a look of undisguised disdain.
"D-Dr. Brennan, I u-understand that you feel well enough to not-"
"I do not just FEEL well enough, I AM well enough. There is quite a difference. I would imagine that other patients cannot differentiate between the sensations caused by pain-killers and their actual physical state in most cases here. I can understand then, why such an item would be required in hospital procedure." Here Temperance paused, waiting for the orderly to attempt to speak once more before she continued.
"But it's standa-"
"I however, am not currently under the influence of any prescribed painkillers or drugs. Also I have only been here for four and a half hours, unlike the majority of patients here. So I would suggest that you take that, and allow someone who actually needs the device to have the opportunity to do so. Now, Angela, would you grab my purse please?"
"Dr. Brennan, you can't-" Temperance stood, slipping on her winter jacket.
"There are three murder victims that I need to identify, so unless you would like to further impede a federal investigation Sam, I'm recommending that you do as I ask. OK? Good." Sam blinked, unable to speak, or even comprehend that what his superiors had made him swear would never happen on his shift was happening.
With a chilly smile, Temperance looped arms with Angela, one hand settling protectively over her rounded stomach as the two left the room. Angela turned with a wicked grin to Brennan just as they crossed the threshold, Sam watching them leave in abject horror.
"Really Bren, you could have spared that boy weeks of embarrassment with his co-workers if you had just taken the wheelchair."
"Absolutely not."
"At least it would have saved us 15 minutes-"
"Ange, nothing is worth that humiliation."
"Your right sweetie."
Finally decided to join the bandwagon. Can't say that I did the idea justice, because it was much better in my head, but at least i attempted it.