Insurrectory: psh please
Auto response from shooting twice: elizabeth and i are playing doctor and trying to fix my camera.
Insurrectory: HAHA
Insurrectory: thats a trick camera...
Insurrectory: now youre addicted to heroine
Insurrectory: good job
shooting twice: haha
shooting twice: it wont work:-(
Insurrectory: what
shooting twice: we need a screwdrivet
Insurrectory: the heroine?
Insurrectory: i know
shooting twice: screwdriver..
shooting twice: arrrggg!
Insurrectory: screwdrivet?
Insurrectory: those suck
shooting twice: sorry
shooting twice: lol
Insurrectory: use a screwdriver
Insurrectory: whyd you break it in the first place
shooting twice: it dropped the other day:-\
Insurrectory: i would have put it on a leash
shooting twice: haha
shooting twice: and the zoom is bent
Insurrectory: what kind of camera is it
Insurrectory: oh yeah one of those
shooting twice: a fuigi
Insurrectory: lol
shooting twice: however you spell itr
shooting twice: it*
Insurrectory: i mean is it digital or what
shooting twice: digital!
Insurrectory: digi
Insurrectory: dig e
shooting twice: the coolest cameras ever
Insurrectory: please
shooting twice: :-)
shooting twice: heykid
Insurrectory: dik yeh
shooting twice: this is elizabeth
Insurrectory: what up homes
shooting twice: nothing much just about to make ramen noodlesss'
Insurrectory: nasty
Insurrectory: thats poor people food
shooting twice: thanks
Insurrectory: lol jp i eat it
Insurrectory: im not rich
shooting twice: me either
Insurrectory: dont lie
Insurrectory: you have a digital camera
shooting twice: im not!
shooting twice: so
Insurrectory: lol
shooting twice: it took us both a while to get them
Insurrectory: i use little juice boxes with hole cut out as cameras
shooting twice: that works, yes.
shooting twice: get many pictures that way?
shooting twice: i bet they're killer
Insurrectory: yeah
Insurrectory: sometimes the shutter fks up
Insurrectory: but a little tap and its all cool
shooting twice: sounds good.
shooting twice: better than ours i guess
Insurrectory: depends on what flavor the cherry is
Insurrectory: if its ham dice
shooting twice: what the hell
shooting twice: you are such a goof face
Insurrectory: im called retarded everyday
shooting twice: me too
shooting twice: dont worry
shooting twice: it's a good thing. they are just jealous of your awesome sexay body and your juice box camera
Insurrectory: thats what im tthinkin
Insurrectory: somethin like that?
shooting twice: yeah it's like that
Insurrectory: pls
Insurrectory: you like slyaer dont you
shooting twice: huh
Insurrectory: slayer*
Insurrectory: the band
shooting twice: oh yeah. i havent heard any of their stuff recently so i dont exatly remember what they are like, but im pretty sure i liked them at one point
shooting twice: is that a racist comment?!
Insurrectory: what if it was
Insurrectory: =-O
shooting twice: then i might have to go over there and bite your legss off bitch!
Insurrectory: fuck
Insurrectory: i need these legs
shooting twice: well then you better not be talking about me you whore basket
Insurrectory: hah
Insurrectory: whore basket
Insurrectory: basket o whores
shooting twice: you betcha!
shooting twice: what up dawg its jennuh!
Insurrectory: omg thi sis confusing
Insurrectory: whats up flowdiggity
shooting twice: nothing laughing rolling around in the computer chairs!
shooting twice: haha
Insurrectory: you have more than one?
shooting twice: yep two<333
Insurrectory: omg
Insurrectory: i knew you were rich!
Insurrectory: shit
shooting twice: i am not rich
shooting twice: this one i am on is broken!
shooting twice: haha
shooting twice: the seat comes off
Insurrectory: lol
Insurrectory: thats hhardcore
shooting twice: elizabeth fell off of it the other day
Insurrectory: im waiting for my mom
Insurrectory: dude that sucks
Insurrectory: i broke my friends chair like that once...
shooting twice: hahaha
Insurrectory: many laughs were had that day
shooting twice: she hit me with the chair!
Insurrectory: what a punk
shooting twice: lol
shooting twice: what areyou doing today
Insurrectory: going to my moms
Insurrectory: and my stepdads sister's bday party...
shooting twice: ohhhh funnn
Insurrectory: not really lol
Insurrectory: i might go to the mall later on
shooting twice: we will come kidnap you;-)
Insurrectory: lol
shooting twice: lol
shooting twice: we are trying to find something to do today
Insurrectory: goto wal mart
Insurrectory: thats always free and fun
shooting twice: we did that the other nihgt
shooting twice: night*
Insurrectory: well damn
shooting twice: thursday night
shooting twice: haha
Insurrectory: /fart
Insurrectory: wow
shooting twice: uh oh=-O
Insurrectory: that wasnt me i swear
shooting twice: me either
shooting twice: :-[
Insurrectory: lol
Insurrectory: i mispelled snoop...
shooting twice: oooppss
shooting twice: you have a girlfriendy?
Insurrectory: yeah
Insurrectory: lauren
shooting twice: oooooo
shooting twice: how long have you guys been dating?
Insurrectory: since the 7th is when i asked her out
shooting twice: how cute<3
Insurrectory: lol cute?
shooting twice: hahahaha
shooting twice: yes dawg
Insurrectory: pls nugga
Insurrectory: i do what i want
shooting twice: me tooo freako
Insurrectory: freakaleak
Insurrectory: speaking o fleak
shooting twice: lol
Insurrectory: i gotta go shake the dew off mah lily
Insurrectory: brb
shooting twice: lol ok
Insurrectory: shit moms here
Insurrectory: gotta go
Insurrectory: laters
Insurrectory is away at 12:20:28 PM.
shooting twice: good bye bye
*kept us laughing this morning* hahah!