i've been there. quite. i was living with my really close friend, who i was also in love with. we'd be doing almost everything together, and it was like a palpable pain, wishing every second he would take my hand or throw an arm around me... and even more torturous when he would- as a friend... i had to get out. i miss him now, and only speak to him on the phone every few weeks, but its a much better situation than it was. good luck, + love
oh my goodness...i found it unbelievably comforting to find this comment waiting for me. thank you, thank you. i was with him so much, and the more time i spent with him, the more i realized that i had to abandon ship, for i had arranged a perfect set-up to get hurt in the process of falling for him.
friend boys... i wonder if they notice our vying... i thought i was being very obvious about my secret love, it was so overwhelming, how could he not notice!? but i think he actually was totally aloof. sigh... love
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