Bored. ~.~ Tired and need something to do.

Nov 23, 2005 06:35

Wasting time, even though I should start getting ready, but it can wait.

Note to self: Wake up in two hours after I get home from school. =x

Now...Here's a servey thing for you people if you get bored.

Time started: 6:39 a.m.

Full Name: Cigi Ann Mills

Nicknames: Halloween, Stylish`Lies, Ninja, ect.

Sex: Female.

Birthday: 1989.03.20

Sign: Pisces.

Color: Pink, Silver, Red, Black.

Shoe size: Mens: 8 - 9, Womens: 8 1/2 - 10

Height: 5'4.5"

Innie or Outie: Innie

What are you wearing right now: Black pants, a tank top, a large blanket.

Where do you live: My bedroom.

Right or left: I'm a righty, but I like the left. o.o

Any pets?: I'd like to have some. ._. Can't yet.

Can you make a dollar in change right now: Eh?

Relationships: What about them?

Who are your closest friend(s)?: Alicia, Jaimie, Shaade, Tashina, Alex, Beth, Megan, Emerald, Jose, list goes on for a few people. Too tired to figure it out. xx;

Do you have a bf or gf?: No.

Did you send this to your crush(s)?: No.

Fashion Stuff: ?

Where is your fav place to shop: HotTopic, any store that has good clothes in my opinion.

Do you have any tattoos or piercings: Piercings.

Favorite kind of pants: o.o; Cotton..? I dunno what the main pants I wear are made out of.

----------------Favs ---------------------

Color: Pink, Black, Red, Silver.

Number: Seventeen.

Boys Name: Alex or Stephen.

Girls Name: Don't have one.

Subject in school: Japanese II. Next year it will be Japanese III.

Animals: Wolves, Foxes, Cats.

Drink: Mt. Dew.

Sport: Don't...really have one. xx;

Food: Chicken! =3

Fast-Food Place: Not really a fast food place, but Ridley's has the best chicken ever. =X

Month: Not sure.

Movie: o.o Advent Children.

Juice: White Grape Juice

Finger: o_o Never thought about it before.

Breakfast food: Bacon.

Cologne: Ew.

Perfume: Ew again.

---------Have you ever...---------

Given anyone a bath?: What? O.o

Bungeed?: Nope.

Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: o_o; I think so...Yeah. A long time ago.

Eaten a dog biscuit: No.

Loved someone so much it made you cry?: Yup.

Broken a bone: Nope.

Played truth or dare: Yup.

Been in a physical fight: Dunno.

Been in a police car: Yes. Quite a lot in Elementary. =x I didn't do anything bad. It was to get a ride home because my mom never got around to picking me up whenever I actually -went- to school.

Come close to dying?: I don't know.

Been in a sauna: Mhm.

Been in a hot tub: Yeah.

Swam in the ocean: No.

Fallen asleep in school: Did just the other day.

Ran away?: Sorta?

Long lost friend?: Yeah...

Broken someone's heart: Sadly, yes. But you usually can't avoid that at some point in your life.

Cried when someone died: No.

Cried in school: Nope.

Fell off your chair: Dunno.

Saved AIM conversations: Not Aim.

Saved e-mails: Mhm.

Fallen for your best friend?: Yup.

Made out with JUST a friend?: No.

Used someone?: I try my best not to...

Been cheated on?: Yeah.

Done something you regret: Yes.

-----------Have you ever had----------------

Chicken pox: Yes.

Sore Throat: Yes.

Stitches: Yes.

Broken nose: No.

Love at first sight: No.

Like picnics: Nope.

Like school: Not for it being school. No.

What schools have you gone to: Lewis & Clark, Lincoln, Irving, and Poky.

------------------Would you:-------------------

Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000: O.o Ew.

Would you go to a Hanson concert if you had a free ticket: I'll pass.

If you loved someone and u were keeping something from them and it would hurt them if they found out, would you tell them: They have the right to know. I'd want them to tell me.

Last person that called you: Beth I think.

Who makes you laugh the most?: Friends and not alive things. lol

----------Last person:------------------

You yelled at: Dunno.

Who broke your heart: *Shrug*

-------------Do you/AreYou:-------------

Do you like filling these out: Sometimes.

Do you wear contacts or glasses: Glasses. Not willing to try contacts yet.

Do you like yourself: Depends.

Do you get along with your family: Only my mom. I'm a stranger to everyone else but my dad. And we do NOT get along.

Do you do drugs: Nope. Never will.

Have piercings below the waist?: Nope.

Stolen anything over $50: No.

Depressed?: I was a couple years ago. ._.

-----------------Other questions ------------------------

How many ppl are you sending this to: No one. They can do it if they want. And read it if they want.

How many buddies are on your list: Which list?

What did you do yesterday: Woke up, went to school, came home, slept, ate, played games and surfed the net, went back to sleep.

Do you want to get married: I honestly have no idea.

Good driver: Not sure. o.o

Good actor?: I don't think I could ever pull off being an actor. I'd start laughing at the cheesy parts or something while trying to say my I laugh -way- too easily.

How many remote controls are in your house: Four or five I think. Or six...

Are you double jointed?: No.

Last time you showered: Last night.

Last time you took a bath?: a bubble bath this morning

Last movie you saw in theaters?: umm....i cant remember

----------This or That-----------

Sun or Rain?: Rain

Scary or happy movie: Depends on the movie.

White or chocolate milk?: Depends.

Rootbeer or Dr. Pepper?: Um...Mt. Dew. =D

Mud or jello Wrestling?: Neither.

Vanilla or chocolate?: For what?

Skiing or Boarding?: Skiing. No idea how to board.

Summer or Winter?: Summer for sure.

Silver or Gold?: Silver. Gold is ugly. xx

Diamond or Pearl?: Diamond.

Sunset or Sunrise?: Sunset.

Sprite or 7-Up?: Both are good.

Pants or Shorts?: Pants.

Orange or Apple Juice?: Neither. Ew.

Cats or Dogs?: Cats.

Coffee or Tea?: Tea

In person or over the phone?: Depends.

Indoor or Outdoor?: Indoor.

Thongs or Panties: Panties?

Makeup or none: Depends

Painted nails or not: Doesn't matter.

Straight hair or curly hair: On me, I want straight. I tend to prefer straight hair, but it depends on how it looks on people.

Freckles or none: None.

Jewelry or not: Jewelry.

Cute or hot girls: o.o?

Long or short hair: Depends on the person.

Shorter or taller than you: Same height or taller is prefered. I've never dated someone that is shorter than me, so I dunno what it would be like. Although an ex of mine is now shorter than

What do you notice first about girls: Their stomachs.

Boxers or Briefs: Boxers

Tall or short: Tall seems to be something I like...xX

Good or bad guy: Depends on the situation you're refering to.

Dark or blonde hair: Doesn't matter.

Curly or straight hair: Preferably straight. Depends on them though.

Dark or light eyes: Doesn't matter much.

Hat or no hat: Depends.

Long or short hair: Long. =X For sure, long.

Tan or fair: Either.

Freckles: Don't like freckles..

Foreign accent or Canadian?: Foreign accents are hot. ^.^

What do you notice first about guys: Hair, eyes, and figure.

Six pack: Eh...Depends?

Muscular arms: Lean arms or none at all with the muscle.

Jewelery or none: Doesn't matter.

Do you want your friends to fill this out?: If they want to, have fun.

Time: 7:11 a.m.
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