♥Ashley and ♥Anthony
- Plan to conceive twenty-eight thousand pre-paid kids.
- Enjoy it when they chat at the most inconvenient times.
- Are like two peas in a pod, but not genetically.
The Oral Sex Tip You Should Try Is: Altoids
This one's a classic, and perfect for someone starting out like yourself.
Pop an Altoid before going down, but make sure it's chewed completely
See how much your sweetie likes the your tingling tongue
For a cool feeling, go with Wintergreen flavor
And for a hot sensation, go with Cinnamon
What Oral Tip Should You Try? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
Your Tongue's Talent is
Licking Pussy!
Your small slippery tongue is just perfect for fitting in those little folds. You're not shy about giving pleasure, and you demand it back.
You're perfect at working it all over, licking and slurping. You love the warm moistness of coochie, and you savor the flavor.
Watch out though, you don't want a permanent catfish smell on your breath. Next time you go down on her, throw in an Altoid for some flavor.
You'd be most compatible with a Rimmer. You both absolutely love exploring deep, dark places with your tongue, and you can teach each other a couple of tricks. A Rimmer is sure to get you to open up a bit, and quit being so secretive!
What's Your Tongue's Talent? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva LOL...
You'll Be Arrested For
You do have a fabulous body, but be careful who you show it to...
Your cellmate might like it a little too much.
Instead, invest some time in a new stripping career,
Or a plane ticket to Hedonism!
What Sex Crime Will You Be Arrested For? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva ...*flashes and runs* WHEE HEE HEE!!
The Aphrodisiac You Should Try Is: Alcohol
Your sex life is not lacking in performance, just in theatrics.
And while you might be a bit shy about bringing out the double headed dildo...
After a few drinks, nothing seems like that big of a deal
Alcohol has been proven to lower inhibitions, making it the perfect aphrodisiac for the shy.
It also, raises the testosterone level in women (temporarily), causing higher libido
Ever heard the term, "liquid panty remover?" ;-)
Just make sure to remember moderation is the key
A little Red Bull and vodka can keep you primed - and focused
Or else, be prepared for some thick beer goggles!
What Aphrodisiac Should You Try? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva Jebus, why do I keep getting stuff about that? I HATE drinking...
Your Passion is Pink!
You're a bit innocent when it comes to sex.
Not that you're not experienced...
You've just prevented your heart from being corrupted.
You're passionate, in time, but it takes a while for your colors to deepen.
What Color Is Your Passion? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva Fweeee!
Your Sexual Energy is Black!
You are on the ultimate edge of sexual kinkiness.
So you're a bit of a perve, who cares?
Some may be turned off by a freaky chick, but many more love you for it.
Does anal sex turn you on? How about fisting, bdsm, and intense roleplay?
Just because these thoughts gives you the chills, it's no reason to hold back.
You're a naughty girl and should be proud of it.
You may meet your next lover, slave, or victim in an unusual place.
Local underground clubs provide a lot of good prospects...
As do kinky chat rooms and forums.
Ready to add some variety? Try turning it down a notch.
Go for candles without the wax. Pleasure without the pain.
You may not like it as well, but it will certainly be different.
When it comes to celebrities, Angelina Jolie and Bettie Page share your strong black sexual energy.
Go out and find people with red, gray, and blue sexual energies. They will be a strong match.
What Color is Your Sexual Energy? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva xD!! ANGELINA, BABY!!
You Have a
Nice Ass!
Oooh, baby can you shake that booty?
With an ass so fine, it's your duty.
Give it a grab, give it a spank.
You're the envy of every skank.
What Ass Do *You* Have?? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva HEHEHEE! lol
Your Candy Heart is "Eat Me"
Your sexual confidence inspires you to be bold
So when you want some eating done, it will be told
Your taste is refreshing - and maybe a little fruity
Unless the licking is being done to your booty
What Naughty Candy Heart Are You? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva o.o...ass licking...*shudders*
You are
Suspension Cuffs!
You're so deep into bdsm that handcuffs are kiddie play for you
Not to say that handcuffs can't be fun... au contraire!
You just need a little something extra to spice handcuffs up.
Which is why suspension cuffs are perfect for you
Get whipped or flogged in these babies, and you're sado self will be quite satsified!
What Kind of Handcuffs Are You? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva Wooo, Anthony is gonna hate me xD...
You Are
Cumslut Barbie!
You come complete with press on suction lips,
portable wet wipes, and skin toner.
Add on "Spit-it-back" function sold separately.
Not recommended for children under age 6.
What Naughty Barbie Are *You*? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You Have an
Abstract Nipple!
Oh-so-arty and intereting...
Or maybe it was just hacked up.
What Nipple Do You Have? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva Pfftt hahaha
You Have
Fat Boobs!
What Type Of Boobs Do You Have? More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva ROFLMAO!!!! *bites down on spoon so no one can remove it*