Title: Buried Pairing: Eunhae Genre: AU Summary: Hyukjae has spent a long time adjusting to his way of life. Now, he has to face a change that he never could have expected.
I knew shit was about to come but now that hyuk is gonna beat the crap out of hae's attacker I dont feel too relieved.. there is still their relationship and tbh that is more angst than the attacker lol
Wow, quite a story. I like the perspective that you're giving from both sides. In most stories, fanfic and on TV, the couple who reunite live happily ever after and I don't think it's that simple, and your story is good at showing the complexities of such a reunion. I can understand Hyuk's hesitancy to start over considering the years he tried to forget Hae and live life without him. Plus, that time away made them both different from the person they once were so it's not as easy as 'let's just pick up where we left off two years ago'. And I can also understand how Hae held on to his life with Hyuk as a way to keep him sane during that time away so he does want to pick up where they left off. The scene where things were going well then Hyuk noticed the ring that Hae still wears but he threw away in anger. It's a big symbol of their love so it hurts that Hyuk doesn't have his anymore. I'm hoping the incident at the end of this chapter will make them realize that their love is worth the effort and time to build again. It may not be easy
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