Title: Buried Pairing: Eunhae Genre: AU Summary: Hyukjae has spent a long time adjusting to his way of life. Now, he has to face a change that he never could have expected. ( Read more... )
Wow, you've finally updated, i'm so happy ;; i've been checking on this page and already thought that this fic is abandoned ;;
Such a painful and beautiful story you gave. It was so hard to read, especially during the first chapters, but then things slowly were getting better and better between them and here we are! They are back together and they are happy ^^ I think the most touching moment to me was the cemetery scene when Hyukjae was speaking to Donghae's supposed grave.
Also you painted them such amazing friends. And Donghae’s supportive mom ;; I was laughing at the moment when they mentioned Ryeowook’s unsuccessful trip to Hawaii, lol XD
Hyukjae and Donghae were so confused and hurt but thank you for the happy ending. They deserve it <3
i love the way it ended. I am so glad Donghae was okay and they managed to get over some hurdles in their relationship. Good job! By the way, I love your stories!!
I'm always more of a silent reader, but I really like your stories, all of them, so I always come back to read them. My all time eunhae fanfic will always be nectarine sunset, but I really enjoyed everything you ever wrote, so I thought it was really unfair not to compliment you just because I enjoy silently. You are an amazing writer. I hope you'll keep on writing anything, not only because I, and a lot others, enjoy it immensely, but because I can fell that you enjoy writing too. And even if I don't know you, I wish you happiness. Because you gave me happiness and a sort of a giddy feeling at the end of every story. Peace and love ❤️
Comments 3
Such a painful and beautiful story you gave. It was so hard to read, especially during the first chapters, but then things slowly were getting better and better between them and here we are! They are back together and they are happy ^^
I think the most touching moment to me was the cemetery scene when Hyukjae was speaking to Donghae's supposed grave.
Also you painted them such amazing friends. And Donghae’s supportive mom ;; I was laughing at the moment when they mentioned Ryeowook’s unsuccessful trip to Hawaii, lol XD
Hyukjae and Donghae were so confused and hurt but thank you for the happy ending. They deserve it <3
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