Staunton isn't so bad..

Oct 18, 2004 09:46

So its fall break. I went "home". I saw a couple of friends and that was good, went to the pier and reveled in its beauty, went to the new World Cup and was absolutely disgusted, but oh well. Such is life. I shaved my head this weekend, out of spite of course, but yes, I did it and I love it. I think I will keep it this way for a while. :)

Ya know ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

fingerpuppets October 18 2004, 15:00:32 UTC
you know...staunton isn't just not so bad..its darn near fantastic! and i miss it. *pout*


Sometime marilyntobe October 18 2004, 16:47:50 UTC
I'd like to see you sometime...anytime really...just gimme a call. I mitz you.


vcu_tomboy October 22 2004, 17:57:54 UTC
i hope you don't rule out comin here completely. that would make me sad and who would help me perfect my football throwing skills? sorry i didn't call monday but i was not alone as i had thought i would be. i heard about your new haircut, send me a pic sometime.


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