I mean, REALLY?
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/article-1293295/California-riots-Oscar-Grant-killer-Johannes-Mehserle-cleared-murder.html This makes me so angry! So many MANY reasons this makes me angry. First of all, the man was lying FACE DOWN in the concrete. Shooting him for ANY reason with ANY weapon was a cowardly move. What were you thinking? 'Heh, watch this. Let's see what happens when I- oops."
Second of all- he was unarmed. The "fear" of him being armed is the flimsiest fucking excuse I've heard for using a handgun on someone. Not to mention the fact that a police officer can only use ONE step up in force as the person they're struggling against, so, hm. If a man is lying face down in the concrete, flailing arms, that should automatically constitute a GUN. Even a stungun was too much force there!
Third- WTF, JURY?! Are you freaking SERIOUS?! The man SHOT an unarmed man. That's MURDER! Hel-lo!
Murder: to deprive of life in any manner; cause the death of; slay.
Read it. Learn it. THEN deprive someone's family and memory of justice. Doesn't seem right, does it?
In other news, WTF, James? Do you seriously NEED that money? What are you dong with it? Feeding Ethiopia? Didn't think so.
Maybe you should give it some thought. I mean, there are other people in the world who can't bounce rubber along hardwood flooring.
This week: America FAIL.
Is it just me, or is this country getting dumber? I don't mean to offend anyone, but seriously. How on Earth can there be so much ridiculousness in one country? No wonder the world is laughing at us. -_-