Rumble: Battle Five (Winners)

Aug 23, 2011 09:11


battle five: one-image (winners)
I apologize for the wait, everyone. Falling asleep in front of the laptop is not a good thing. Wow, guys! the scores for this Battle were all very close! First & Second were away by 2 points! I think this is the closest match-up we've gotten without resorting to a tiebreaker! Everyone got votes so that makes me happy. Please see the voting post as reference to the icons. As a side note, if any contestant has not received their screened comment, please let me know. If you do not receive them within 24 hours, let me know right away. :) So let's get to the results!

First Place snm_queen #01 with 20pts

Second Place fightclubs #07 with 18pts

Third Place teenbulma #06 with 15pts

Best Border snm_queen #01 with 4pts

battle five tally.
01: 2+3+2+1+3+3(+4)[+2]
02: 1+1+2+1+1+2(+2)[+2]*
03: 1+2+1+3+3[+2]**
04: 3(+1)[+2]***
05: 1+2+3+1[+2]
06: 3+3+2+2(+3)[+2]
07: 2+3+1+3+2+2+2(+1)[+2]*
() = best border pts
[] = submitting/voting pts
* = additional comments
banner-making pts were added to battle four

overall score.
airsongs 00
astrogation 06
checkyoufeet 57
dudette_in_town 00
eotheod 50
eternalkanda 52
fightclubs 70
kitsuneasika 00
luf100 19
redasatomato 59
snm_queen 71
teenbulma 65
twinstrike 96
valerie_jackson 32
xxshebeexx 48
See Battle Four scores
Note: Promotion points are already included in overall score & are no longer in the tally.
Note 2: For contestants who did not submit but have voted, 1 point was added.

more info.
Congratulations to the winners of this battle!! Holy fiddlesticks, guys! Now the scores are starting to break off./dramatic music Could this possibly change with Battle Six? Don't forget it is important to submit & vote; you get points (that's good, very good)! When you submit, you're likely to get a ton more points added to your overall score which determines the Champion at the end of Battle Seven.

If you would like to see your critiques, please comment with your icon #. Let me know if you'd like your critiques to be sent via PM, e-mail, screened (please have LJ notifications turned on for this option), or unscreened comment. All critiques remain anonymous. I highly suggest asking for them; they are very, very helpful! Don't miss out, guys!! again, let me know if you got your screened comments. :)

redasatomato, you're up for banners! (I got your PM from before but wouldn't let me reply ^^;) Rumble banner rotation & more information can be seen here at the SIGN-UP post. Banner-making gets you 2 pts, guys! Be sure to get them in before the results of Battle Seven!!

Lastly, be sure to submit for Battle Six: Scenery! We're focusing on the lovely locations in the Pokemon world. We only have one contestant who submitted & it's Tuesday already. o_o So get over there & submit! Hurry in!

!winners, !rumble, rumble: battle five (one-image)

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