Good Afternoon Everyone :) thank you to
princess_narnia - I got your card, thanks, hun :) I haven't been doing much but watching the NFL - even though my team's out, I still have to watch. Though, the Patriots are playing, and not well...I also so Up in the Air yesterday :)
Up In the Air
This movie has a lot of buzz around it, but to be fair - it is just a really good 'small' movie. A core cast of about four major characters, and they were all outstanding. I think there is not enough good press for Anna Kendrick (formerly of Twilight as Jessica) - she is really, really brilliant as the young protege of George Clooney's. George was great, and so was Vera Farmiga. All three really worked well together.
The main premise of the movie is that George Clooney's job is to fly around the country and fire people for companies that can't find the cahooneis (sp) to do it themselves. Then Kendrick's character comes along, from an Ivy league school, and wants to make it all done remotely. Clooney is then forced to bring her along to prove his point. On the way, he meets Farmiga's character, who likes to be as detached as Clooney does. The two have a casual relationship, but if not for Kendrick, it may have stayed that way.
I think this movie is very much worth watching, so I don't want to give more away, but needless to say, watching the characters travel through their paces is really exhilarating and depressing. I think it was more depressing because you watch them fire people and as they are doing that in my office all the time, it was just a little too close to home.
Well, the Pats have finally scored, but they're still losing 24-7...hope everyone has a good open to the week - more news on work another day ;)