Good Afternoon Everyone :) well, I had a rather busy weekend, I didn't sit still much at all yesterday. Got quite a few copies of New Moon to sell on e-bay :) I also saw Remember Me last night...
Remember Me
wow, this movie was so angsty and so over the top that it was laughable. The movie was decent...barely...but overall, you'd have to be a die-hard Rob or Emilie fan to sit through it.
The basic premise is that Rob's character is a tortured rich kid living in the poor part of town trying to defy his father, played by Pierce Brosnan. He gets into a fight trying to be a hero and ends up getting jailed. That's how he meets this cop, who has a daughter who he decides to romance to get back at the cop.
It's a cute developing love story, but it's been done and was rather tired. There really was not a lot of chemistry between the two of them either. I thought the friend was well-cast, though :) Anyway, lots of drama ensues...the two break up then get back together after the little sister gets her hair cut, not by choice, by some school 'friends.' Then, as things are starting to come together, you realise what day it is, and he's in NY, and it's Sept. 11 and he's in one of the two was a mildly offensive ending...but also really stupid.
I don't think I would have seen this movie if Rob hadn't been in it..and that's as far as my support will go for him. That was awful.
Good thing, though, I got to see the Eclipse trailer. And I had the weirdest dream with Kristen Stewart...bizarre...anyway, I have nothing else to report, save I went running yesterday and today and it was nice, but I'm feeling a bit sore...have a good one, gang :)