Good Afternoon Gang :) I don't have anything of interest to really cover, I had a follow-up with my surgeon, everything's okay, though they've put me on some at work they've been...I'm trying to stay level-headed, but what can you do? I finished another book for book club...
Rosemary and Rue
Wow, this was basically glorified fan fiction. It was painful to get through. I don't think I'm usually this hard on books, but this was just...awful. The story never really pulled me in and the plot was predictable and contrived. It was like the author stole all the concepts from other sci fi books, it reminded me of Eragon, but not as boastful.
If you have nothing, nothing else to read, then read this, but otherwise...rubbish.
Also, did anyone not hear about
this? The Umpire totally blew the call, I watched the game last night, it was such a travesty, and yet it was a great example of personal integrity. The Ump held firm to his call, but when he saw the reply, he aplogised to the pitcher and the Detroit Tigers team. There are only 20 perfect games pitched in MLB, that's 20 in 100 years. There are a 162 games a year for each team, the math is too much for my flannel brain to handle, but even though the wrong thing happened, and it can't be fixed, I give mad props to the Ump for admitting he was wrong and not being obstinate about it. I could learn something from that ;)