Good Morning Everyone :) I saw Eclipse again last night, after reading Twilight and Philosophy, I am more bemused by the series than before. Hope you all have something nice planned for the weekend, thanks to my sister, I'll be spending some of it fixing a mess she made...ah, siblings...
Twilight and Philosophy
I'll start of by saying this, I am now part of team Jacob. That's what this book did to me. They made some very valid points about Edward being a bit abusive and controlling, and if he weren't a hot vampire, something tells me we would all see this series a little differently.
I think Twilight sends the wrong message to kids, impressionable kids, and young women, thinking there are going to be Edwards or Jacobs out there dying to for you or wanting to be with you that way. Men are not like that. Not real ones anyway. And if anyone does get that insane, then they might not be safe to be around.
I think the essay's that really got me were the one's written by the editor, Rebecca Housel. She really pointed out a lot of Edward's controlling, hiding things from Bella and really being utterly unreasonable. Jacob takes Bella for who she is, to truly be with Edward, Bella would have to change who she is and never be with her friends or family again - what kind of exchange is that? A foolish one, if you ask me...a really great read!
okay...I'm supposed to be a good one gang :)