trade stories

May 16, 2011 21:30

Hope you're all doing well! I had a good time at the wedding, not so much with the family, but it happens ;) I went to HP world and also met some celebrities, see the pics on my FB here - also finished two books: Is It Just Me? and Thirteen Reasons Why - which I think awry recommended to me, but I can't remember - she was right, it was awesome!

Is It Just Me?

TO put it mildly, no, it isn't, but you certainly don't help anything, Whopper Goldberg. I was with her for some of the book, but after my complaint-free challenge, I just felt this was a whiny collection of rants that would have been better served left in a stand-up environment than in a book. Yes, she points out some issues, but has pointing out flaws in others ever gotten anyone anywhere? Not to my knowledge. If she really wanted to be witty and funny, she should have had anecdotes written in, as well as solutions.

At one point she actually defends Tiger Woods. Yes, he has a lot of bad press, but guess what, he's a jerk and put his family and himself knowingly in danger. Whatever he gets, he deserves. That was the low-light for me, otherwise, it was just me trying to turn the pages. I am tempted to write her a letter, but she probably is too anti-social to take any feedback.

Thirteen Reasons Why

Let me preface this by saying, if you're a very depressed person, you may over-identify with this book. Having said that, its an amazing book. It isn't written particularly well, and the characters are pretty one-dimensional, but the story-telling is what brings this story to life.

The reader follows the story from a first person perspective as he receives a sealed box with a random set of audio tapes in it. He has to track down a tape player and when he finally gets one, the first tape plays the voice of a friend who committed suicide. She explains that she recorded these tapes and wants them to be sent to thirteen people, all of whom play a part in her decision to commit suicide. The reasons aren't really ground-breaking, story-wise, but they still hold the story together.

What had me fascinated was that the girl who commits suicide did this, I always picture this girl as the main character because of her role in Buffy:

It isn't a feel-good story, but it made me think that a game based on the principles in this book could be a lot of fun :) What would it take to write a game, I wonder?

Anywho, I won't lie, I may not get to most of the entries I missed, and I am sorry, but I will try in the next week or so - take care, gang!

book review, travels

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