I had a rather busy weekend - hope someone used my unused resting time! I played
LA Noire - totally broke the queue to play it too :s I also saw Priest and Thor this weekend...
not worth the measly $6 I spent. The plot was terrible, the acting mediocre, the whole thing was overall meh. What happened to Cam Gigandet? The only 'good' movie he's done is Twilight and he seems like a decent actor...what's up with that? It was just bad. I mean, the effects were cool, but the story never came together, never. It was such a waste and had such promise.
Speaking of waste, what happened to Karl Urban, he was in this awful movie too and he was not so great either...what happened to actors that used to be good? I'd say pass, pass, pass on this one.
I don't know if I have a lot to say, but when I saw it, I really enjoyed it - so I think I can feel confident saying that most of you will probably enjoy this. The only caveats to that I have are I've never read the comics, so have no frame of reference, and the store was rather shallow, but still enjoyable.
The plot was predictable, for the most part, but the cast was superb and the effects never seemed to take centre stage over the movie. Slight spoilers below...
The basic premise is Thor is too prideful, gets sent down to Earth, his brother plotting much of this, and then he meets a girl (Natalie Portman's character) and then he realises his responsibility and sacrifices himself for others, then is allowed to come back to Asgaard. Overall, not ground-breaking, but fun to watch.
Note, I didn't see either of these movies in 3-d, even though they are out in 3-d. I think that's all I have :)
Hope you're all doing well!!