Good Morning Everyone :) I don't have anything exciting to report, really - leaving for FL and HP world on Wednesday - that should be fun ;) a big thank you to londonesque, strandmose and lemonpunch for the v-gifts! they're faboo! Remember to watch the match - 14.30 here, not sure what it is for all of you - we're going orange this time round! not really looking forward to
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Good Morning :) hope you all had a nice 4th :) Dad and I are planning on doing some grilling shortly, should be fun...oh, that reminds me, I better go put some soda in the fridge...
Good Afternoon Everyone :) I know I need to post the stats, but I haven't really been posting much period, so the numbers have been pretty sad. My mom went to Phoenix for the July 4th weekend, so it's just me and dad. His b-day is tomorrow, so I thought it would be fun to take him to a movie, he loves 3-d movies :) ( movie review - toy story 3 )
Good Morning Everyone :) I didn't see Eclipse at midnight, but I did see it last night - and some of the hype is fair, of the three, this is the best. But considering how 'well' the others fared, it isn't saying much. ( spoiler-y review - eclipse )
Good Morning Everyone :) Hope you're all enjoying the weekend...I'm getting increasingly frustrated watching this Germany/England game...that so was a goal! Anyway...I have been running more...I might join a gym near my office, I feel like I'm getting fatty...that surgery time has finally caught up with me, I think.
hope everyone's enjoying their weekend! I've been trying to run more regularly, but the temps are tipping over 90 almost every day :s *is flannel hot* I don't really want to talk about the World Cup...England didn't even score a goal yesterday! today's matches weren't bad...but too many yellow/red cards :s I am also watching a ton of Buffy
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it's Sunday :) there's a Buffy marathon going on - it's fun :) it's the top 30 eps ever :) a big thank you to londonesque & strandmose for the King Julian-esque lemurs! I love that show! I think it might be on right now :) hope everyone's watching the World Cup...England, you're breaking my should have beat those damn Yanks!! ( movie you should not bother watching - splice )
Good Morning Everyone :) not much to report, I'm trying to not let things get me down this mood has been fluctuating far too much...I need to get this under control. Oddly, my weight has been up and down this week too, probably due to the meds ;) anyway, a quick book review: ( another one bites the dust - this i believe )
Good Morning Everyone :) I had a mildly amusing weekend...I don't understand why people have to have events (weddings) and have dozens of speeches. I can guarantee you, no one cares ;) I mean, how many people do you need coming up to say how great you were? Are you really that insecure? and do you think people are listening or care? I know I
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