Let's go on an adventure and join the Exploration Team!

Jun 27, 2011 07:54

[At the stroke of midnight, a tremor shakes the island, and eighty people fall into a a strange dream....

It is morning now, and those people are waking up.

Giratina just watches the commotion for a while with a small grin, waiting for them to pay attention before starting in on her speech. She doesn't have to hurry - they can't leave yet, after all.]

Aah, hello, little ones. I have gathered you here this morning for a very big reason. Perhaps you should sit down so that I may tell you a story.

You see, there is a little island. It is a remarkable little island, very smart and very mischievous. Sometimes it gets itself into a little bit of trouble, like islands can. Always floating around from place to place, sometimes it can smash into other little floating troublemaker islands. And when that happens, there is a BOOM! and they get all tangled up! It is horrible! Especially when one island is the opposite of the other.

But that is what happens when the one who is supposed to be watching these sorts of things goes off like a numbskull to frolic in the between-worlds. Aah. It is a pity.

Anyways, this tangling-up mess happened to this little island, and it cried out - "oh no! Help! There are many important smallish mortal things which I must keep safe!" And who should come to its rescue but the noble creature Earthcarver? She split day from night and dark from light once more, sending the chaos of the other island back to where it should have been. And with the bits that were left on the island with important things - why, she split it all up into many pieces so that it may go away faster, and not do any damage. Wasn't that clever of her?

But the Earthcarver cannot do all the things which need to be done by herself, as she is a biggish mortal thing right now. So she gathered up some of the important people and told them a story about what had happened, and asked them very nicely to maybe keep the chaos distracted for a week or so while she fixed some things and got the island running right again. So polite of her!

Here is all that you smallish things must do. Get together with your partner and go into these places where the chaos is. That is all! Isn't it simple? Of course, there are many other things that you can do while you are there, like fighting monsters, or hunting for shiny treasure...

[Tyratina shuffles aside, gesturing to a bulletin board behind her. It bears a map of the island, with some locations marked off, as well as a sheet explaining what dungeons are and how they work as well as what seems to be a scoreboard with empty spaces for team names.]

Now, I have business to attend to. Good luck, smallish ones!

[[ooc: Remember, nobody can leave until they have

1) listened to Giratina
2) found their partner
3) named their team!

The Kecleon Shop is set up on the edge of the field, so feel free to stop by to check out the kind of supplies you'll be needing, as well.]]

but you guys are a laughingstock :3, event: mystery dungeon, conspiring with the island

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