[At the stroke of midnight, a tremor shakes the island, and eighty people fall into a a strange dream....
It is morning now, and those people are waking up.
Giratina just watches the commotion for a while with a small grin, waiting for them to pay attention before starting in on her speech. She doesn't have to hurry - they can't leave yet, after all
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And when she discovers that she's capable of producing Embers from her mouth...well. Why would she ever want to go back to being human at all? In fact...heh. What does she care if no one else turns back, either? After all, who wouldn't rather stay in this much more powerful a form?
So she'll just be sauntering away from that...surprisingly large swathe of burnt destruction, snooping in on conversations when she's not pausing every few steps to groom and release a few more Embers into the air for the sheer delight of it.]
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