Jul 04, 2010 22:31
[Some girls like to spend their firework-filled evenings hanging out with friends, family, Pokemon, or significant others, oohing and aahing over said fireworks while they eat grilled food, watermelon, and ice cream. You know, generally chilling out and have a nice peaceful evening.
Other girls prefer to spend them haphazardly ramping off of ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING that can -- (although perhaps not should) -- be ramped off of on their bicycles, whooping at the top of their lungs because they're really, really bored and too awkward to go hang out with any of their friends. You know, generally being rambunctious pains the ass.
Kotone, unfortunately, happens to be one of the latter girls. Whenever they go airborne, poor Clover, who is riding in a (pink, of course) basket attached to her handlebars, positively cowers. Since it's dark, how she manages not to run anyone over is a mystery.
Unless, of course, she's about to run you over. Then the mystery is solved by way of the "sheer dumb luck" clause.]
user: shoujospirit