Feb 14, 2011 18:24
[HELLO THERE ISLANDERS. Were you up at six in the morning to witness the heart-shaped rainfall? No? Oh well never mind.
You see, that is neither here or there whether you did or you didn't MUCH AS IT WAS :AWESOME:. The island did that for a couple of reasons. One, because it's Valentine's Day. Two, to "helpfully convince" a swarm of Ledyba to do a favour. Because it's Valentine's Day. Did you know that today is Valentine's Day? Because it's Valentine's Day.
So there are these Ledyba... let's call them Lovelyba for the duration of today and because the tea and nuke obsessed moderator loved Tango's suggestion. They have covered every possible inch of ground with their Sweet Scent attack and because the island is the island is the island, it just had to play its part, infecting this Sweet Scent.
Did you witness that? Again, that's neither here or there. What matters is that today is the day of love.
The Sweet Scent was infected to make everyone gradually fall in love with everyone they see today.
Or lust. Whatever floats your boat BUT TAKE IT OFF COMM IF IT GETS TOO FAR.
No point resisting either once you start to feel. It's futile. Pucker up.
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, AWESOME ISLANDERS OF AWESOME ISLAND. Now go. Find people. Fall in temporary love. The island will be observing it all because it is a shipper. If only it had some popcorn and an Enya album.]
but you guys are a laughingstock :3,
gotta ship em all,
this is cracktastic,
this is romantic,
event: valentines,
what is love bb dun hurt me,
user: awesome_island,
this is amusing