[Today was March 3rd. March 3rd wasn't a particularly special day on the calendar, right? WRONG. Today was motherfucking March 3rd, bitches, otherwise known as Yellow's birthday. Now, normally,
healing_yellow herself wouldn't think to have much of a celebration. She's a simple gal, so she'd just do something with her friends and be done with it.
Luckily (or perhaps unluckily) for her, her boyfriend is Gold, who will be having none of that. As far as he's concerned, Yellow deserves only the best. But today is not just her birthday, no. It's also her 16th birthday. This makes this party SUPER IMPORTANT.
So, with a lot of help of
volcanoburgers, Gold gets to work on setting up the most fabulous party Yellow could ever have. And guess what? Everybody's invited! Granted, invitations were only specifically sent out to their friends, but... Hey, they can't exactly keep other people away from a party that's set out so openly on the beach front, right?
Now, let's talk about this party itself. First of all, there are a few tables set up, with tons of food. This food is amazing, because Gold's mom is pretty much the best cook ever. A lot of it is vegetarian, consisting of fruit salad, quiche, tempura veggies, stir-fry, baked squash... But there are plenty of foods to satisfy those who are inclined towards other foods. You think Gold would stand for a veggie-only buffet? Gross! There are also fresh-baked buns, potatoes prepared in various ways, riceballs and other rice-based dishes, fried chicken, and, of course, Mom's specialty, Cinnabar Volcano Burgers. Just try not to eat them all. And be sure to keep Gold away from them so HE doesn't do the same. And let's not forget the cake. This cake has 16 candles on it, plus one for good luck. It's a fruit cake, but not that crappy kind that your aunt gives you at Christmas time that's only good for a doorstop, no. This is GOOD cake, a vanilla cake with various diced fruits baked into it, topped with a sweet homemade icing and strawberries.
In addition, there are plenty of chairs to sit in, nice, soft music playing in the background, and a part of the beach has been sectioned off as a "dance circle", even, for those of you who feel inclined to dance, be it with someone else, or the birthday girl herself. Don't worry, Gold will share her, as long as he gets first dibs.
And the birthday girl herself? Well, at the guidance of Gold's mom, she has been slipped into a pale yellow dress, matching elegantly with her hair and eyes. There will be no hat on her head today, so those of you who still didn't know she was a girl, prepare to have your mind blown today. Instead of said hat, she is wearing a flower crown, weaved out of gorgeous yellow flowers. Doesn't she just look precious? Don't worry, it's not a formal affair, so no one else has to get dressed up. Only her.
Of course, it's not a true party without a little interference from the island. The entire beachfront is surprisingly warm, much more than you'd expect for the beginning of March. It's rather tropical, really.
All these signs point to one thing; it's party time, people!]
((ooc: What better way to signify my return to PD than with a party, right?! Threadjacking and general mingling is allowed and even encouraged. Seriously, you people. Threadjack to your heart's content or I'll beat you. Make your own comment threads and GO TO TOWN. Let's make this party wild!))