Title: Forever and a Day.
Word Count: 197.
Character/Pairing: Mulder/Scully, focus on Scully.
Disclaimer: Don't own X-Files nor the characters.
Rating: PG.
Author's Note: Post "The Truth," around "I Want to Believe" or so.
She was in a shirt only, yet wasn’t cold. The blankets were bunched at the end of the bed, the sun was warming the carpet, and there was a gentle buzzing of insects outside the window as they enjoyed the summer morning.
Her days were different in the summers, her mornings different now than what they were years ago. She never took time off in the summer and she never let herself sleep in, even on weekends.
But now... being with him in his retreat... the atmosphere changed. The important things in her life changed. After losing so much and not gaining much in return, there were only so many directions to go in.
Mornings were different here. She didn’t wake up alone. He was usually still asleep beside her and she preferred it that way. Because when she would lie awake at night and peel back all the layers in her life, he was at the core.
And because he was her core, she appreciated the time in the morning when he was still sleeping and she could curl up against him. She never had that before and now, it was the one thing she needed.