Title: A Defining Moment.
Word Count: 150.
Character/Pairing: Mulder/Scully; Scully's POV
Disclaimer: Don't own X-Files nor the characters.
Rating: PG.
She doesn’t know when it happened. She pretends she can pinpoint it, but really, she isn’t quite sure. There was a moment, a very fine moment, that made her aware that her relationship with Mulder was something more than she ever expected it to be. But she didn’t know when or how it had happened.
There were many decisions she made to reach this point in her life. She turned away from medicine, went into the FBI. She agreed to work with Mulder. She humored him until she was standing alongside of him, believing in him even if she didn’t believe in his convictions.
But then came this. These feelings... a love she felt for him... and she realized it wasn’t a choice. It wasn’t her choice to love him. That grew from the trust and care she felt for him.
No, it definitely wasn’t a choice. It never was.