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[ ] Female Class
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Describe your personality: I'm a Three on the Enneagram.
Threes are self-assured, attractive, and charming. Ambitious, competent, and energetic, they can also be status-conscious and highly driven for advancement. They are diplomatic and poised, but can also be overly concerned with their image and what others think of them. They typically have problems with workaholism and competitiveness.
If it helps, I'm a Pisces with a Leo Rising and a Moon Sagittarius. I think my personality fits Pisces well enough, but a Cancer might possibly be a better fit. My MBTI fluctuates a lot, but it'd be correct to assume that I'm a XNFX. I can be extroverted or incredibly introverted depending on who you are, and I do my fair share of Judging and Perceiving too. The only thing that remains constant would be that I'm definitely a very passionate and emotional individual.
I recently took the "Golden Compass" personality test too, and I thought it fit.
In a way, you are a truly balanced person. You have a good sense of self, but you have periods of worry and self doubt. You don't like to be alone a lot, but you don't like being constantly surrounded, either. You can be shy in some situations and bold in others. You can tell people how you feel, but you don't wear your heart on your sleeve. You aren't "TOO" anything: You aren't too shy, you aren't too aggressive, you aren't too extroverted, you aren't too introverted. However at any one time you can be any combination of these things.
You tend to adapt yourself to match the situations in which you find yourself. You may be quiet and sensitive with some people, or joking and loud with others. These are all facets of your personality. People tend to perceive you as they want to perceive you. They may even tend to idealize you a bit. Then, when you do something that doesn't fit their concept of who you are (like have an outburst of anger, or a fit of shyness, or make an insensitive joke)they can be shocked and surprised. Does anyone know the real you?
Positive Traits: Humorous, ambitious, hardworking, friendly, eccentric, sentimental, dramatic, charming, passionate, emotional, capricious.
Negative Traits: Ruthless, vindictive, aggressive, self-centered, demanding, indecisive, narcissistic, inwardly arrogant, hypocritical, overtly self-conscious, a lack of self-confidence beneath the surface, hypersensitivity, mercurial, a little cold at times, harsh, perfectionistic.
Hobbies and interests: Generally hanging out with friends, having intellectual discussions about literature and history, playing video games, doing nothing, spending time with family.
Dislikes: Elitists, mean/rude people, inefficiency, losing, not living up to my expectations, not being on time, stress, technical subjects like math and sciences.
How are you described by others?: They usually tell me that I'm competent and ambitious, but that I push myself too hard at times. Apparently people also think that I'm really good in languages and the arts. I recently had a chat with my aunt and she told me that I can occasionally be a little too cold-hearted to strangers in order to protect myself, but become too emotional and sentimental when I'm attached to the person and have to let them go. I have also been described as insensitive and very single-minded, a bit of a control freak at times. Once I have my sights on something, I'll do whatever I can to achieve it. Apparently, my flaw is that if I know I'm good at something, I expect nothing short of perfection from it, and this negative trait even extends to my family members, like my sister. I suffocate myself and my family at times.
Are you more...
Introverted or extroverted? Usually extroverted. I get hopelessly shy and awkward around people of the opposite gender, which is unfortunate.
Optimistic, pessimistic, idealistic, or realistic? It all depends on my mood and on the situation. I try to achieve a balance of realism and idealism to the best of my ability, although there are occasions where I can be too realistic or idealistic for my own good. It would be good to say that I'm optimistic when it comes to others but pessimistic when it comes to matters dealing with myself.
A leader or a follower? I lead when I know what I'm doing, and I'm fine with following when I feel that I'm out of my league. Generally speaking, I tend to be a loner despite my extroverted nature. I don't connect well with many, but I treasure those who I do, and I usually take up a leadership position for these people.
Cynical or trusting? I'm cynical about darker subjects like human nature but at the same time, I can be foolishly gullible towards my friends, especially to people that I don't have to keep my guard up against.
Mature or childish? Both. It depends on who I'm with and the occasion. There's a time for everything, I think. Usually I'd tend to be the more mature individual in the group though.
Independent or dependent? I'm quite dependent on my family for most things, like money and household chores. I have no knowledge of many essential life skills, and I think I'd die were I to be thrown into a forest to survive alone. However, I would say that I exert my independence on another level. My parents were never the ones to worry about me, growing up. I was pretty much more mature than the usual kid, and I'm usually the one pushing myself to do things.
Cool or dorky? So dorky it's not funny.
Careful or carefree? I'm more careful than carefree, I think. I haven't been really carefree in a while, but I'm significantly happier during the holidays.
High, medium, or low energy? I fluctuate. I can be really, really hyper sometimes and lethargic at other occasions. It depends on what I'm feeling at the moment.
Confident or modest? I might seem confident on the outside, usually, but I'm very insecure and doubtful deep down. You never know when you might be faced with a situation that you'd be unprepared for, do you?
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change? My overtly competitive nature. I can occasionally be a little too hard on myself in wanting to win and achieve my goals. It makes me kinda unlikable sometimes, in the manner how I ruthlessly chase after the things I want and how jealousy can overtake me if I don't achieve the goal as brilliantly as my friends did.
What are some of your future goals? I would like to be remembered in history for something great, or to make the world a better place because of my existence. In other words, I want to leave a legacy behind. I intend to pursue a career in Law, so something along those lines, I suppose. I don't want too much money or power, though. I'd like to have a nice, loving partner who loves me for who I am and a small, loving family that would support me in my endeavors.
How do you tend to act around those you don't know? I tend to behave very respectfully and be very proper around them. In other words, I only let my guard down around people I know well.
Disreguarding type, what are some of your favorite Pokemon? Why? I have an odd fondness for the starters and the original 151. I'm currently replaying LeafGreen and Pearl, and I do have a substantial list of Pokemon I really like. My absolute favorite would have to be Typhlosion, because I have the fondest memories of Silver and how it decimated my enemies in game. Dragonite, Tyranitar, Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Raichu, Vaporeon, Blaziken, Infernape, Garchomp and Ampharos are all really high up on my list too. They're powerful, and I like them a lot because of how I spent quite a substantial amount of time grinding them to achieve that power. I guess all that grinding really does pay off, after a while, and it adds to the memories that you have of them. That we all fought so hard to achieve that sort of power today.
How do you usually dress? Do you think you'd dress any different if you were in the Pokemon world? (Links to and pictures of clothing you like are acceptable if you'd like!) I usually dress in the same sort of manner, lol. I would just pick up a shirt/polo shirt and some jeans before leaving the house. Something that I would always leave the house with would be socks though. I feel naked without them. Mm, I might dress in a similar fashion in the Pokemon world, but it would be a long journey though. Maybe I might dress like that usually, and have some lighter clothing when I sleep over at the Pokemon Center or something? (I always had the impression the trainers slept over at the Pokemon Center lol).
Do you think you'd be the type to specialize in certain Pokemon types? (Avoid naming certain types if possible) Nope. It wouldn't be smart, to limit yourself like this. Specializing in a certain type, especially for Pokemon, would mean that anyone with the type advantage would have already beaten you if levels don't count. It would be good to have a wide variety, so as to cover your weaknesses and emphasize your strengths. A team with Fire, Water, Electric, Grass, Ground and Normal Pokemon would be far better than say, a whole team with Fire types, because a Vaporeon would just totally murder the Fire-type trainer while the trainer with loads of types would be able to send out a Raichu or an Ampharos and murder the heck outta that guy.
What's your goal in the Pokemon world? Do you want to go with the typical be the best or are we just here to have fun and explore? Be the best. Who says that having fun and exploring can't come with being the best? If we wanna go out on a journey together, we wanna try to win, right? It would be totally awesome to take down the Elite Four and Champion before disappearing from society, like Red. You'd leave a legacy, and become a legend. Besides, Pokemon battles would be cool, and we could even forge some strong friendships with other trainers along the same path.
Besides Pokemon training, do ya think you'd want to have any "normal" hobbies? Or even a job? Or would your life be dedicated to training? Uh. Hanging out with my friends and Pokemon would be nice. I don't suppose my Pokemon could read in the library with me, so they could be playing around and having fun close by while I read. The Water types could possibly swim too! I don't think I'd want to have a life dedicated to training. I'd spend a few years trying to become Champion/the very best, and do whatever I can. After that, it's back to the real world for me.
If you hung out in just one area, what would the climate be like? Is it in a city, in a town, or along the countryside? A small town would be my favorite. I don't really like the city, being overly noisy and congested, and the countryside would just make me lonely. A small town with a warm and cozy atmosphere would be a nice place to live in. It would be quiet, but it would be the sanctuary I could always return to when I need some rest. I have to admit, Pallet Town did come to mind. It's cozy, familial and sweet. I always imagine my Pokemon having fun in the main character/Red's room whenever he goes to sleep, lol. It'd be especially funny with a Charizard there.
What's your strategy for fights? Take advantage of type matchups, and finish the opponent off as fast as possible. I don't spend time with stat boosts or status ailments. Instead, I focus on wiping out the enemy's team with powerful attacks and Pokemon, in an element that they're weak against. Usually works.
Are there any Trainer Classes you absolutely do not want to be voted as? Nah, have fun!
Anything else you'd like to add? Amber, I think I love you.
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