I wanna be the very best!

Jan 01, 2012 05:28

Name: Simhong
Stamping Preference:
[ ] Male Class
[ ] Female Class
[x] Best Fit (don't ask for both)

Describe your personality:
I am a Ground-breaking Thinker on the iPersonic quiz. Groundbreaking Thinkers like you are charming, enthusiastic persons. You really bubble over with energy and like to take centre stage. You love variety both professionally and privately. You tackle changes consistently with your optimism and firm belief in your own abilities; you are always on the look-out for improvement possibilities. Your excellent communication skills are of great advantage to you. You approach the world with curiosity and openness and master new situations with a great deal of talent for improvising and with resourcefulness. Your spare time is taken up with a large number of hobbies; most Groundbreaking Thinkers like to travel in order to gather as many different impressions as possible. Your personality type is unbeatable at discovering new possibilities.

Positive Traits: Optimistic, spontaneous, realistic, independent, ambitious, curious, loyal, determined.
Negative Traits: Harsh, indecisive, aggressive, emotional at times, overly reckless, critical of myself.
Hobbies and interests: Video games, track, snowboarding, wakeboarding, watching TV, travelling, hanging out with friends.
Dislikes: Judgemental people, insects, procrastination (I still do it though..)
How are you described by others?: Mostly optimistic, and always lost in my own thoughts. Also too rash for my own good.

Are you more...
Introverted or extroverted? Extroverted. It depends on my mood though, but I mostly enjoy meeting new people and hanging out with my friends.
Optimistic, pessimistic, idealistic, or realistic? Realistic. Being optimistic and having ideals are nice, but sometimes we just have to be more down-to-earth about it.
A leader or a follower? It depends on the situation, but I'm more of a leader.
Cynical or trusting? Cynical with people I'm not used to being around, trusting with my close friends.
Mature or childish? Again, it depends on the situation. I can be mature when needed to, but around friends and family I am usually rather childish.
Independent or dependent? Independent. I enjoy doing my own fair share of work around the household, and I dislike getting money from my parents, only because I feel a little guilty sometimes..
Cool or dorky? Mostly cool with the occasional dorkiness!
Careful or carefree? Careful.
High, medium, or low energy? Eh.. it fluctuates. I usually have a lot of energy, but I also burn out rather quickly.
Confident or modest? Confident.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?
Be less aggressive! I can be very aggressive when it comes to things I don't see eye-to-eye with, and I almost always do something I regret immediately after.
What are some of your future goals?
Well, for now, all I want to do is to do well in my studies and go into a good college. For long-term goals, I plan to study law as well as psychology.
How do you tend to act around those you don't know?
Friendly but guarded at the same time.

Disreguarding type, what are some of your favorite Pokemon? Why?
Probably Charizard, Feraligatr, Salamence, Tyranitar, Steelix, Mightyena and Jolteon. Charizard and Feraligatr were my starters way back in the days of Pokemon Red and Crystal, and my love for them still carries on now. Jolteon is a personal favourite. :') I like how powerful they are, and mostly I like the idea that it's all due to the training that they all become so powerful.
How do you usually dress? Do you think you'd dress any different if you were in the Pokemon world?
Since it's hot all year round here, I usually just throw on a pair of shorts and a nice v-neck shirt or tank top. I really like shirts from Abercrombie & Fitch hahaha. As for shoes, I usually just wear a nice pair of Vans or flip-flops out!
Do you think you'd be the type to specialize in certain Pokemon types? (Avoid naming certain types if possible)
Eh, I don't think so. I like being versatile with my team, and the feeling of being able to stand up to any threat.
What's your goal in the Pokemon world? Do you want to go with the typical be the best or are we just here to have fun and explore?
I think my goal in the Pokemon world would be to be the best and just generally enjoy life! I think being a Gym Leader would be pretty cool, hahah.
Besides Pokemon training, do ya think you'd want to have any "normal" hobbies? Or even a job? Or would your life be dedicated to training? Hmm.. I'd probably like to hang around with my friends, and play around with my Pokemon. Entering Pokeathlon competitions with my Pokemon would be really cool too!

If you hung out in just one area, what would the climate be like? Is it in a city, in a town, or along the countryside?
Definitely the city, with moderate temperature. And it has to have a beach! I like the hustle and bustle and the lights in a city. A countryside life would probably bore me really quickly.
What's your strategy for fights?
Hit hard and hit fast. I prefer to finish off my fights quickly.

Are there any Trainer Classes you absolutely do not want to be voted as? Nope!
Anything else you'd like to add? I don't think so!

You must vote on all unstamped applications before posting yours!


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