I wanna be the very best!

Jan 11, 2012 21:59

Name: Diana
Stamping Preference:
[ ] Male Class
[ ] Female Class
[x] Best Fit (don't ask for both)

Describe your personality:I am a person that shows two types of personality; The chatterbox and
cheerful dorky person (mostly online and with only close VERY close
people) who loves to give hugs (any other type of contact is forbidden
to me because i feel too uncomfortable), roll on the floor, giggle and
read like a maniac and well mostly, talking to other people, my other
side is pretty quiet, almost like i don't like to socialize, i don't
behave like girls usually do that like going out at night or like when
pretty boys pass through them, i pretty much ignore them and i get angry
or annoyed, i'm sarcastic and a bit blunt at times and i am not afraid
of sounding too honest because i don't like to hide what i feel like in
certain topics. Overall i am a friendly person, like a next-door kind of
girl, i have laughing fits from the most silly things ever, at times
they might not even be funny but to me i just can't help it but to laugh
my tussy out, i'm highly protective and i admit, i'm a momma's girl, i
always hold on to her whenever she's around me and i love to give gifts
to people i love and that mean something to me, even if it's just a
drawing or a drabble, the best gift to me is really a smile.
Unfornutatly the down side to me is that i am not someone that forgives
others that easily nowadays, if someone hurts me, makes me cry or suffer
i won't forget it and i will probably become very cold and for a couple
of days even depressed, also i am incredibly stubborn so it's horrible
to have a fight with me because i won't just shut up, i'm also very
sensitive so anything can make me cry and i become frustrated quite
often because of this single aspect of mine
Positive Traits:kind, supportive, benevolent, motherly, understanding, cheerful, streetsmart
Negative Traits:Self centered, dramatic, over sensitive, lazy, large mouthed, lazy, thick head
Hobbies and interests:anime,
mangas, flowers, artbooks, copics, family, friends, water, mythology,
history, economics, english, pretty dresses, fashion, figurines, the
smell of the ocean, shells, video-games, kindness, honesty, messy haired
boys, Disney movies, copics, graphic making, amv making, going out,
movies, hanging with friends, making lame jokes, laughing, role playing,
Oc's, sleeping, pianos, violins, beaches, nature, singing, music,
romance, novels, books, celtic songs.
Dislikes:rude people,
needles, balloons, hospitals, retarded comments, waking up early, spicy
food, being ignored, being mistreated, ruining shoes, too cold or too
hot weather, loud and strong noises, nasty smells, being bored, being
bossed around, ugly clothes and cosplays, backstabbing and argues
How are you described by others?:It depends, my mother says i'm too reserved, almost like i have an
unbreakable shell that doesn't let anyone in, that i'm sweet but i have
one hell of a temper, a bit of a loony because of my insane love for my
dog. My online friends find me sweet and caring and well, huggable and
supportive, as for my real life friends they find me pretty funny at
times, i can have the biggest moodswings, they say i'm blunt, honest,
caring and opinionated but incredibly lazy and a bit scatterbrained

Are you more...
Introverted or extroverted?I'm a mix of these two to be honest, i sound like a complete sugar
train at times on livejournal and other times i sound like i am afraid
that people will bite me or something, it depends a huge deal of who i
am dealing with, with my best friends i am carefree and more extroverted
but in real life when i'm with others i'm introverted, quiet and not
very talkative
Optimistic, pessimistic, idealistic, or realistic?I'm realistic most of the times, things are the way they are and
there's nothing anyone can say or do to change them, i admit although,
that i can be very pessimistic or optimistic depending on my mood (or
the time of the month, orz D8)
A leader or a follower?Neither, for some reason the concept of having to follow someone always
bothered me since i never like to obey rules but i don't find myself the
type of person to lead because i too, like any human being commit
mistakes and i don't want others to suffer the consequences of my
Cynical or trusting?Right now? I am more cynical
than trusting, sure i have no problem in adding people as friends over
lj but in real life i rarely trust anyone
Mature or childish?I'm mature most of the time but i have some traits in my personality
that are still child like, like getting upset over everything and such
Independent or dependent?I can't say i am very independent because i still have my financial
dependence on my family but in other terms i guess i am more independent
than my brother per example
Cool or dorky?Eh, i can say i am
a cool dorky, i jingle nonsensical stuff and bounce around and such but
i can be cool when....well whenever i feel like not being dorky!
Careful or carefree?Carefree but with a natural careful nature, i always try to be careful
with what i say and do because i know that what seems ok to me might
seem bad to someone else and words hurt way more than actions
High, medium, or low energy?I'm just a medium to low energy kind of person, maybe because i started
to have a less healthy kind of life in terms of going out and such and
staying more home but i find myself with less energy
Confident or modest?I can't say i have much confidence in myself, my psycologist actually
says i'm the reverse, that i'm so modest that i put myself down even
when i do great things

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?Probably the fact that i get too affected with what people say, i mean
it, i trust more in what others say about me even if they are complete
lies and if deep down i know that they're not right rather than
ignoring, i'm too insecure of myself and at times that gets the best of
What are some of your future goals?Right now? To get my
papers in order and get a job and social assistence and then i am
thinking of moving out of Portugal, if i can afford to do so, otherwise i
will just try to keep fighting to find something in my life that i want
to pick and do until the end
How do you tend to act around those you don't know?It highly depends, first of all about what i heard about the person,
that alone makes me judge the person even if it's not right to do it, i
take in account what others might say, THEN i evaluate the person myself
from what he/she says, usually in a more distant way, trying not to get
too close and actually at times i might come off as rude because i tend
to want to leave or go away when people get too close because i start
to feel well "invaded" not that i'm rude but i start to get that small
itch of, Ok this for a first time is ok but now i really need to get
back to my safety point

Disreguarding type, what are some of your favorite Pokemon? Why? Oh my, Jigglypuff is my nº1 fav *w* hmm i usually love the cutesy/small type of pokemon like Altaria, Plusle and such, i always love the cutesy ones
How do you usually dress? Do you think you'd dress any different if you were in the Pokemon world? I dress up girly and i doubt that it'd change in the Pokemon world taking aside my high heels, i'd trade those for more comfortable shoes :)
Do you think you'd be the type to specialize in certain Pokemon types? (Avoid naming certain types if possible)Hmmmm no, not really, my team is always pretty consistent and always has all types of pokemons
What's your goal in the Pokemon world? Do you want to go with the typical be the best or are we just here to have fun and explore? I want to have fun, explore, discover places that normally people would avoid and well i always pictured my journey to be with my best friend, her shooting (taking pics, not killing OAO;) pokemon while i went on battles and such
Besides Pokemon training, do ya think you'd want to have any "normal" hobbies? Or even a job? Or would your life be dedicated to training? Oh i'd definitly have hobbies, i'd love to participate in contests, i'd definitly keep on drawing too <3
If you hung out in just one area, what would the climate be like? Is it in a city, in a town, or along the countryside? Countryside, i wouldn't be the kind of person to stay in a loud city
What's your strategy for fights? Attack and defense~~

Are there any Trainer Classes you absolutely do not want to be voted as? Hm not really :)
Anything else you'd like to add? Thank you!!!

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