As I read about all things homosexual in Dorian Gray, I got rather bored and stopped. Realizing how far behind on reading I was, I continued not reading. Then I realized how far behind I was on other things, so I didn't do those either. That is day three.
It was a cold, desolate day in the Shire. The only thing around were a few dust balls and coyotes. The coyotes then went on to eat the dust balls. They had a hairball-like effect...
My level of calm seems to have been disrupted and I am not entirely sure why. And, lately I have found myself becoming completely discouraged for no reason at all. Though, I have moved on to amusing myself by glueing my whole arm. Weird? Yes. Fun? Yes. Hmm, I doubt I have much more to say. So, goodbye.
Today was fun of sorts. I got food and gum and sour things. My father is watching Beerfest. I am doing homework in the dark. I have decided that I am cooler than powdered milk. I know it is a reach. I wish I had gotten my picture taken with the Easter Bunny : (.
Talking phone book really talks! Well, at least the lady that works for them does. On Wednesday I will be getting a haircut. The spectacularness of this is amazing. These were a lot more fun when I was an angry child. Damn. Oh yes Laggy, this one can be for you.
So, basically, this is completely dedicated to Hillary. And the man on my tv that looks like Albert Einstein. Luckily they are not one in the same. It may actually snow :). This is thrilling. No more Colorado I suppose. Ice skating tomorrow. I will dominate and do spins. This is a terrible entry. I am tired. Bedtime. Yes.