So, I kinda was too busy playing to actually UPDATE. So as a result, I've earned three badges since last post. XD
So after catching the Victini, I headed out onto Route 4, north of Castelia. Yes, I was still ignoring Burgh's Gym. Taking the Roggenrola, I ran around like a loon in the sandstorm, since it wouldn't take damage from the weather, and even though I couldn't get very far, since the route was blocked to the north; the Trainers in the areas I COULD reach were actually enough to get the little guy to evolve into Boldore at 25! Then one Trainer sent out a Timburr, and I switched away from the Boldore, to the Woobat. Good move, since Low Kick did like, 3 damage to it. Psychic/Flying for the win. And then the real shocker. The Woobat, which evolves when it's happy enough, and had LOST happiness points by being knocked out like, three or four times by Sandile and Scraggy... Evolved! At level 23!! Up until then, I was iffy about using it as part of my team. Needless to say, that little miracle sealed the deal.
Now with two evolved Pokemon, I decided it was time to trounce Burgh. ...until we wound up chasing Team Plasma. Again. *sigh* Oh well, there was only like, two of them to fight. Then Ghetsis rambled on for a while before they took off. NOW to trounce Burgh. Nice...honeycomb, dude. O_o I gave Pignite most of the glory in his Gym; and it got a good couple of levels. I one-hit all of Burgh's Pokemon, so, yeah... XD
Heading out, Derpy rang me on the XTransciever wanting a battle. Oh, god. *rolls eyes* On the upside, she was at least slightly competent by this point. The Munna and Panpour were a nice touch. At least she's trying!
So then I continued on up Route 4...and Snarky got me. X_x Although I do so hate him sometimes, he DOES have a pattern at least, and doesn't just randomly stalk me. Every time I get a badge, he kicks me in the nuts! Swoobat made quick work of his Dewott with Heart Stamp, which flinched it twice and KO'd it the third time. No complaints!
By this point, I'm basically just catching everything I run into, so I'm not gonna run the list off anymore, unless I take a liking to something. Which I did, after getting through the rest of Route 4, and the little side section, Resort Desert and Relic Castle. Not much here, really, but I picked up a Cover Fossil, which I have YET to take back to Nacrene to get revived into a Tirtouga...
Reaching Nimbasa City, I promptly ignored the Pokemon Musical, as I've always been terrible at the Contest-type activities. Maybe one day I'll go check it out, but I am in no rush whatsoever.
Around this point, I downloaded the event Entei from HG/SS, and wandered over east from Nimbasa to Lostlorn Forest via Route 16 and snagged the event Zoroark. Then, battling the Trainers on Route 16, I decided after seeing a couple of Whirlipede in battle to train one for myself. That turned out to be an excellent idea. The Venipede, which I had caught at level 15, grew quickly, evolving at 22, and reaching 28 by the time I was ready for Nimbasa Gym. So off to the Gym I went...oh, foozballs, that's N by the Ferris Wheel, isn't it.
He takes me up in the Ferris Wheel, tells me he's the King of the organization I've been fighting since the Dreamyard, and then tries to pummel me in a battle! Damn, son, that's the worst first date I've ever been on! ... And also the only one! O_o';
Aaaaaaaanyway. With N-utbag; N-incompoop; N-imrod; N-umbnut out of the way, I actually got to go to the Gym this time. Where I had to restart once due to Satanic flying squirrel issues. The second time, however, Boldore kicked ass with Rock Blast. Whirlipede sat in the background and cried a lot, mainly. Bugs don't like Aerial Ace and Flame Charge much.
With my fourth badge now in tow, I proceeded West to Route 5, and after a few battles, including freaking SNARKY!!!, I decided enough was enough, and got Kat to trade-and-return my Boldore, causing it to evolve into a Gigalith at the lovely level of 29. Then one level later it learned Rock Slide! No complaints~~~ Whirlipede evolved at level 30, into Scolipede. For basically a heavy-duty Beedrill, this thing kicks some freaking ass. It's quickly becoming a personal favorite out of the Unova lot.
So yeah, by this point I was basically reaming everything in sight, so I took a break from ravaging innocent Trainers and started evolving stuff. I trained up the Patrat to level 20 and evolved it into Watchog, which is now my bitch for Strength and Cut. *ahem* Then I moved on to Lillipup...
And holy shit, I remembered I had shoved it in the Daycare on Route 3 after leaving Striaton City. O_O* I raced back there, on foot, AAAAAAAALL the way from Nimbasa...
To find my Lillipup had grown my 26 levels and was now level 30, and knew Work Up, Crunch, Roar and Retaliate! I trained it to 31, it evolved into Herdier. 32, it evolved into Stoutland! Gee whiz, I was done training it. ^_^;;; Sorry Pooch.
I evolved the Purrloin into Liepard at 20. I skipped anything Stone-evolved, I didn't feel like training the Elemental Monkies to 43 before evolving them, nor the Munna to 47. ~_~ I trained the Pidove to 21 for Tranquill, but set that back in the box instead of training it to 32. And for all of these Pokemon, which I trained outside Pinwheel Forest on Audino, the shaking grass never once gave me a Throh. =|
At any rate, I took the Blitzle, the same, crappy little level 15 one from the Victini catching, and started training it on Route 6, past Driftveil City, instead of doing like I was supposed to and go look for Team Plasma in the Cold Storage area. By the way, Clay is a douchebag. :P
In any case, I wrapped up Route 6, but the cave was blocked by a glowing spider web o_o... So back to Cold Storage I went. By the time I came out, the Blitzle was level 25, needing a mere two levels to evolve. Somehow, I actually managed to beat Trainers in the GROUND-type Gym, with the ELECTRIC Zebra Pokemon... Then again, when all the Drilbur keep using Hone Claws over and over, they tend to die to Flame Charge pretty quickly without Bliztle taking much of a beating. About two-thirds of the way through the Gym, it evolved, but knowing it would be foolhardy to take it to the Gym Leader, I ran back and deposited it, saving at the Center. Then I headed back, took out the last three trainees, and headed down to fight Clay. The bad news is, I forgot to save. The worse news is, he kicked my ass. The better news is, I only lost 1,560 for my retardation, and in the rematch, I ripped Clay a new asshole. Freakin' redneck cowpoke bastard.
Then, on the way out of town, I got challenged by Derpy again! And holy crap, she evolved the Munna... Not that it mattered, two Bug Bites from Scolipede took it out lickety-split. Everything else was still a piece of cake. After beating her, she gave me HM02 Fly! ...WHERE THE HELL WAS THAT WHEN I HAD TO RUN BACK FOR THE LILLIPUP?!?!!!?111?!??!?eleven! >_>*
...THEN, after THAT bullcrap - I needed Clay's help to open up Chargestone Cave. The web was a Galvantula nest. Uh...huh. ~_~
So, with just the four Pokemon in tow now, I proceeded through the cave. The first thing I ran into was a Klink; which happened to be a Pokemon I'd liked since I first saw it revealed on X3 And, it turned out to be relatively awesome! I caught a Joltik, which wound up filling up my party; and a Tynamo; but all the Ferroseed I found were female. I refuse. -~-;
Oh goodie, two steps into the cave and I'm attacked by scantily clad ninjas. O_o; 'the fuck. ... Oh, they're with N. That explains everything~~~
Dark Triad. Riiiiiight. So they told me which way to head, which wound me up at a horde of Team Plasma goonies, and then...surprise surprise, another fight with N. I would like to point out that my Klink single-handedly took him down, until his last Pokemon, the Ferroseed (he caught the only male in the whole damn cave!), which Gear Grind and Charge Beam didn't fare well against a Grass/Steel type. One Flame Charge from Pignite solved THAT little problem.
I wandered out of the cave into Mistralton City, took a deep breath of fresh air, and called it a night, with the team now really starting to come together...
Level 33
Heat Crash
Arm Thrust
Fire Pledge
Flame Charge
Level 33
Poison Point
Bug Bite
Poison Tail
Level 25
Fury Cutter
Bug Bite
Gastro Acid
Level 32
Gear Grind
Charge Beam
Level 32
Heart Stamp
Air Slash
Level 33
Smack Down
Rock Slide
Power Gem