My phrase for the day is: "Kawaii Pokemon da ne!"

Mar 11, 2011 23:42

NOTE: I added more to my last post, if you didn't see it. Feel free to go read and enjoy. ;D

I've pretty well decided that the whole "date and time" thing I was doing for my previous posts just wasn't working, so to hell with that.

Thankfully, there was no invasion of Mr. Von Snarkypants, only Little Miss Derpy. She wasn't too much of a pain, except that I clearly was not expecting a Musharna. I wasn't about to say no to the Fly HM though, which I'd been hoping for. I was getting sick of biking everywhere.

So, route 6. Not at all that exciting, in all honestly. I nabbed myself a Foogus, which is surprisingly cute, given that it evolves into Amoongus. This place was pretty decent for training, but by this point I was regretting the Deerling, so the xp went mainly to other things; Dewott mainly...Which I did some grinding with to get it to evolve into a Samurott. :D Its Atk and Sp.Atk stats evened out a bit more (I think to within 3 points of each other.), which made me VERY happy, since Aqua Jet just wasn't cutting it with a lower Atk stat.

I finally reached the entrance of Chargestone Cave, and...Here comes the redneck. Motherfucker, if he preaches to me about Team Plasma, I'll- ...Oh, his TM. Sweet! Bulldoze sounds like fun, and since I never did get to see it in his Gym (Mangled him too quickly, I suppose. XP) I decided to teach it to teach it to Darumaka once it evolved, since I think having a Ground-type move would be nice for it to have, should it ever face a Rock-type. The redneck kindly LEFT after opening the entrance to the cave, so awaaay I went.

Immediately, I'm bombarded by the three Lingerie Ninjas. Apparently, that wing-nut N wants to see me. Thanks, but I think our date in the ferris wheel was enough, dude. >:| And just when I think I'm safe from NPCs, Bianca and the hand-holder Professor Juniper pop in to "gather information". Methinks it's more like stalking, but whatevs...The Professor hands over a Lucky Egg, so I'm not about to bitch. :P

I set out ignoring them and caught myself a Klink, a Ferroseed, and a Joltik, and settled in for the hunt for a Tynamo, which has been a long-standing choice for my final team. The 2% chance wasn't agreeing with me, but it was a good chance to work on training and gather items. Facing the guy with the Tirtouga reminded me that I have yet to take that stupid Plume Fossil back to the Museum. >[ Nuts. I finally dug up a Tynamo, after hacking through Team Plasma for a while...But it was female. I couldn't STAND the thought of a female Eelektross, so I guess it's time to turn my ass around and go see how breeding goes in B&W.

I rushed myself back through to Driftveil and took out the Pidove I stuck Fly on and flew to Nimbasa. It took me a few different Pokemon, but eventually I discovered that Tynamo can breed with Duosion. I hadn't much thought about it until himochikouen asked if maybe it would work. It did indeed, though they weren't too content to fuck like bunnies right away. It took about 10 minutes of biking back and forth in front of the daycare like a madwoman (occasionally making a pitstop to let Darumaka blow up an Audino for xp) before the Daycare Man shouted for me as I was passing. He had for me a shiny new Tynamo egg, and I headed directly inside to get Duosion back before it decided to level up. I started to ask the nice lady behind the desk for my baby-daddy back, only to be informed that her husband was waiting for me outside. Whutnow? A glitch maybe? Or was there a conversation I missed? ...No, apparently my Tynamo and Duosion (who don't care much for one another, remember) had another egg within the 12 steps it took me to get up to the desk from right outside the door! I decided they were twins, especially since the second hatched the exact step after the first.

Thankfully, one was a male with a Sp.Atk nature, and he was promptly handed the Exp Share while I continued to allow Darumaka to fight Audino. This eventually led to Tynamo being around level 23, and Darumaka 2 levels from evolving! It was time to go back to Chargestone and look for N. Between the time I flew to Driftveil and the time I got to the cave again though, I had succumbed to the fact that Deerling just wasn't going to work on my team, and deposited it. It killed me a little, because I've been gushing over it for so long, only to discover that it just doesn't fit my needs. Maybe some other time. So I turned around AGAIN and walked BACK to Driftveil to put it away.

Now it was time for some thinking. I had to try and start getting my team in order. As of that moment, I was lugging around Samurott, Darumaka, Duosion, Audino, and Tynamo on standby. Unfortunately, I was also starting to come to the realization that Audino wasn't holding her own anymore, and also may soon need to be swapped out for something better. In order to cover some of my weaknesses, I swallow my pride and go back to catch myself another Scraggy, with a better nature, since the one I caught before boasted one bad for Atk. I didn't get much better - this one was an entirely neutral nature, but with the Expert Belt I got from Driftveil Market, I'm hoping he'll do his job.

It was slow going, leveling both the Scraggy AND the Tynamo, since it was usually Scraggy out first holding the Lucky Egg in the beginning, then swapping out to the Darumaka to cover my ass and get some experience going. After some blood, sweat, and tears (N would hate me right now.), Tynamo was hanging at 29, Scraggy up around 30, and Darumaka FINALLY made it to 35 to evolve. Darmanitan wields Bulldoze well, even if its ability keeps it from slowing is opponent down. Now if I could just make a concrete decision on what to overwrite Flare Blitz with...

By this point, I was so fed up with training, I kamikazed N just to get it over with. Scraggy, surprisingly, is incredibly efficient. I'm exceedingly pleased with how it handled both his Boldore and his Klink, and Darmanitan got to have fun with Ferroseed and Joltik. Poor Tynamo though...It has the defense of a tissue, and can't handle even one attack. It's going to take AGES to get it up to 39 to evolve into something halfway decent.

Finally making it to Mistralton City, I'm nabbed by...Professor Juniper, WTF? Did you have an operation you neglected to mention? ...Oh, it's her father. Never mind then. Cedric introduces me to Skyla, who - as I've come to expect, wants me to go somewhere and do something before I can challenge her. Suuure, I'm not trying to accomplish something or anything important like that. I took a side trip to look around town (She's a Gym Leader, she can handle herself and wait for me.) and found the Sky Drop TM, which I wept over, since nothing on my party could learn it.

I kind of like route 7's raised walkways. It keeps me from burning through sooo many Super Repels to keep from getting shanked by angsty Zebstrika. Audino, versus the trainers on this route, is once again proving that she's come to the end of her usefulness, and it kind of hurts. She's so cute, I don't want to dump her, but there are probably better choices. ];

Celestial Tower, eh? Sadly, Audino won't be of much use here either, since it's propagated with with almost nothing by Litwick (which, if not for Darmanitan, would have been instantly added to my team), the only other thing being Elgyem, but their appearance is infrequent enough that she's pretty useless. Again. NUTS! The tower itself is nice and straight-forward, some trainers here and there that Tynamo was just BARELY able to scrape by, since some of them were kind enough to ignore its crappy Def and use special attacks. There were many, many trips back to town to heal though, I assure you. If Duosion had a decent Atk stat and...Well, arms...I'd have taught it Shadow Claw immediately, but alas...No such luck.

So I get to the top of the tower and all I have to do is ring the damn bell? Skyla went ahead and took care of the "injured Pokemon"? Methinks it was all a ruse, just to make me chase my tail for her. I don't think there was EVER a Pokemon here. Either she made it up, or she hallucinated it. :| At least now I can face the Gym.

All the way back to town, yaaay. I actually really like this Gym, mostly because I found it amusing getting rocketed out of cannons. XD It also didn't hurt that Tynamo was able to successfully face a few of the trainees, PLUS Skyla, almost entirely by itself. :D If I'd thought better of it at the time, I'd have given it the Lucky Egg and saved myself a lot of grief. I'm still pondering what to teach Acrobatics to, as I'm not even sure what can learn it.

I walk out of the Gym, and whilst expecting Mr. Von Snarkypants, I find N. I'm half expecting him to kick me in the shins again, but he instead chats with my Tynamo, which no doubt was telling him that I was a bitch and knocked it out like 15 million times in attempts to evolve it. >\ Thank GOD, he just walked away from me, because I didn't feel like putting up with his bullpucky at the moment. I have places to go, people to see, things to do...

...Like facing Mr. Von Snarkypants at the base of Twist Mountain! I knew he'd fall out of the sky at some point. Easy, thankfully, since Scraggy basically worked half his team over. Tynamo took on his Simipour, and rocketed up to 39, so it finally became a much more competent version of itself; Eelektrik! Alder popped up just after Cheren accepted his beating (he has the best NPC music), and handed me Surf, at long last! Samurott said goodbye to Water Pulse, and hello to the shiny new Surf animation. I was considering back-tracking AGAIN, but thought better of it...I'd rather at least get through Twist Mountain before I do that.

At first, the workings of this place were maddening. I got sick of the dead ends and constant random encounters, and the stupid workers who think it's fun to bury themselves in the dirt didn't help that at all. I was using Super Repels for much of my running at first, just because I wanted to explore and gather items before doing any catching. It just so happens that my protection ran out as I was heading for one of the doors, and I wasn't about to waste one, and I took one whole step before something snagged me. A Cryogonal! With a 1% chance of encounter, I wasn't about to let it get away, and I didn't. I never did find a Cubchoo, even without repels. I came upon dear Von Snarkypants and N having a slap-fight, which sadly ended without much fuss. I was just waiting for Cheren to turn around and take out his frustration on me, but he opted to hang around in the cave for a while. Hey, whatever turns your crank, dude.

AAAnd, out into Icirrus City. Silly me, I figured that big pool of water was a puddle, and went rushing through it, only to slam into what I thought was the shadow of a building? I then discover, after trying to examine it, that it's a Surf spot. I decide to run around it, wondering what exactly the deal with this is, only to get groped by a Palpitoad. In the puddle. Wow, that actually kind of blew my mind. These are the disadvantages of playing with a massive migraine, I guess. I decide from this point on to avoid the puddle of death, and only ventured back in for a special capture spot in the water, which yielded a rather annoyingly difficult to capture Stunfisk. Ugly little critter, it is. I nailed myself a Shelmet too, which somehow is a little cute.

Finally a Gym I can get into without running errands for first! I really, really like this Gym, probably just because sliding around amuses me in the lamest way possible. The trainers were pushovers for the most part, and Brycen wasn't much worse. Eelektrik even had a hand in the whole thing, though clearly it was a Darmanitan-friendly zone. Audino tried, and failed miserably, so now I'm certain she's getting shifted for something, but will be around should I ever need a healer, as she learned Heal Pulse before getting KO'ed. After checking and finding that once again the Gym TM was learnable by nothing on my team, I took the fun little ice ramp back to the bottom and left.

Oh God, the Lingerie Ninjas are back again. Dx Once again, we're back to N. At least they distract Little Miss Derpy and Mr. Von Snarkypants from attacking me. I guess my next stop is Dragonspiral Tower, not matter how much I'd rather sit in and corner and think on Audino's replacement. Like a moron, I passed by the grass outside the tower without a second thought, figuring there wouldn't be much in there. Silly me...I kind of like Bianca's whole "bodyguard" thing. She's surprisingly badass, for being a complete doink.

Another, thankfully, easy tower. I was very tempted to catch a Golett, as it'd be good to have a Ground-type on my team, but Golurk makes me think of Rockman.EXE enemies, and that really turns me off of it. We'll see though. I wound up making it all the way to the top without catching anything, but gathering every item I could on the way. The cutscene with N and Reshiram was actually pretty cool, even though Reshiram's face was a little creepy. Something about its pseudo-smile gave me the freaks. After sitting through N's preaching about how terrible the world is and blah blah blah angst angst angst...I'm informed I have to go back to that God-forsaken desert! To hell with that, I'mma explore! >:|

A hop skip and a jump away, ignoring my obligations to save the world and all that un-fun stuff, I ambled into the Moor Of Icirrus. I thought better of it right away, as wasting the xp on something OTHER than what I may be replacing Audino with is just silly of me. Instead, I decided to look into Druddigon, Mienfoo, while still thinking on Golett. I had knocked a Mienfoo out inside Dragonspiral Tower, and really wanted to get my hands on one, since I find them rather interesting. I had no idea I'd actually find a Druddigon, but I did, and thanks to Tristan quoting a Progressive Insurance commercial ("I'm just a man who loves savings. And pie.") while eating a little cherry pie, that hideous Dragon-type became my first nicknamed Pokemon - Pie.

Just don't ask, it's not worth it.

Now that I had Surf, it was also time to go back for Axew. I'm quite glad they're not as bloody rare as Dratini, Larvitar, Bagon, and Gible were in the previous generations, as I found a female and decided to try and breed for a male after leaving the cave. I decided on a whim to keep digging around in Mistralton Cave, and eventually almost tripped over Cobalion. I had originally intended on not getting within 30-odd feet of it, since Lordy knows what it could do to me...But I decided to take a chance, saved in front of it, and rushed in. The first time, I accidentally KO'ed it with a critical hit Hidden Power. The second time, it somehow maimed my entire team. Dammit. Third time truly WAS the charm, as it took me just a few attacks and 2 Ultra Balls to get it. Yay for never having to come back to this cave again! :D

Back to Striaton to breed my new Axew with Pie. And that didn't sound wrong at all! It took a few minutes to get the first egg, and another couple for the second, and what felt like a lifetime to hatch them. I was banking on a male, but wound up with 2 females. I'm not going to complain though, as the first turned out to be an Atk-favoring nature with what should be a high Spd IV, so I guess she'll be going in my Battle Box, along with whatever else I decide to EV train for it!

That was where I left off, so here's how the team is shaping up, now that all that madness is over:

Lvl. 39
Aqua Jet

Lvl. 35
Secret Power
Heal Pulse
Work Up

Lvl. 36
Fire Punch
Flare Blitz

Lvl. 36
Hidden Power
Pain Split

Lvl. 39
Thunder Wave
Charge Beam

Lvl. 38
Brick Break
Chip Away

!white, !mediaklepto

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