Do you have a question about the game? You can direct that over to the
FAQ for an answer.
If you have a question for the moderators that needs to be screened, or a complaint that you would like to bring up in a comment rather than over email or AIM, you can post it here.
As for more direct contact, you can contact the current mod on AIM with the screen name SaiyamanMS or by MSN with sato992[at] (However, it is worth noting that my hours run on GMT+10, which is on the other side of the world from the US.)
We want to hear constructive criticism, issues you're having with other players, problems with the plot, etc. We also love to hear great things, but that's not usually what this type of post is for.
Anonymous commenting is allowed and comments are screened, but we would much rather you let us know who you are so we can follow up with any questions we might have.