Jan 22, 2011 18:45
We usually have IC stuff, so why not have a fic meme for a change?
1. Make a playlist of as many songs as you like-20 to 50 is a good number, but more or less are fine as well.
2. Post with one journal and say which character(s) you'd like to write about, along with the number of songs on your playlist.
3. People will reply with whichever character and/or pairing they want written (assuming you have more than one), and a number between the ones you specified. Prompts beyond what's described below are optional.
4. You will then write a drabble related to the specified song. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it's over. No cheating by lingering afterwards! For this reason, it's best to have a playlist you're familiar with.
anyone for fic?,