Title: From Cameras to Breakfast
polari-sPairing: Yewook & Kyumin
Raiting: PG13
Genre: fluffy
Summary: Kyuhyun had recently hurted himself and Yesung was getting trouble with his turtles.
AN: ideas came up with
mi-nnie :D and as it's both yewook and kyumin i dedicated it for you~ and as it's kyumin for
lee-jinki ♥
AN2: i really really tried to not let just sided pairings, i think that i got it! enjoy and comment~
It was morning and Ryeowook was totally tired from last night's practice, so he was sleeping very peacefully, but he couldn't sleep more with Yesung talking and making sound of 'clicks' with a camera in their room.
"Ddangkkoming! Follow Ddangkkomaeng and don't be shy!"
"It's Ddangkkoma, hyung." Ryeowook said still sleepy in his bed with his eyes closed. "You gave it the name and spell it wrong?"
"Sorry for waking you Wook. But see this!" Yesung said pulling Ryeowook's hand. "I bought a new one turtle, Ddangkkomaeng, come to see!"
Opening his lazy eyes, Ryeowook saw Yesung in front of a turtle tank, that Ryeowook didn't remember being so big, moving a shy turtle completely inside it's shell.
"We are getting almost doing our comeback and you buy a new one turtle?" Ryeowook asked sitting in the bed.
"But Wook, Ddangkkomaeng is so cute that I couldn't stop myself from buy it." Yesung said pouting. "See it!"
Ryeowook went from his bed to the floor beside Yesung and sat there to look at the three turtles completely away from each other.
"Isn't Ddangkkomaeng pretty?"
"Of course." Ryeowook said, he couldn't say no to that man with shining eyes and bright smile, and kissed his lips bravely.
Yesung then smiled more and looked to the tank starting to take more photos of the turtles.
"I'll eat breakfast, did you already?" Ryeowook asked raising from the floor.
"I've already eaten." Yesung answered not taking his eyes away from his turtles. "Are you happy with your new friends Ddangkkomaeng? Ddangkkoma and Ddangkkoming will be very good friends of you, ok?"
Still laughing a little of Yesung's addicion for turtles, Ryeowook went to the kitchen. Getting there he saw Sungmin with a lot of food in his chubby arms.
"Good morning hyung."
"Oh, good morning." Sungmin answered still taking more food, a glass of juice, of coffee and milk.
"Are you that much hungry?" he asked sitting in the table and starting to do his own coffee.
"Oh no." Sungmin smiled thinking that he already got enough food. "It's all to Kyuhyun."
"His leg is still not good?"
"I don't think so, I mean, no no no. Kyuhyun should rest and rest, he isn't good yet." Sungmin pouted leaving the kitchen and walking carefully to his and Kyuhyun's bedroom. "Kyu ah~" but when he entered, Sungmin saw Kyuhyun standing beside the bed putting a shirt on. "What are you thinking? Don't you listen to your hyung?" Sungmin said angrily putting all the food in a side of the bed and walking to where Kyuhyun was frozen now knowing what he did. "Aish, you should rest and DO NOT raise from the bed!"
"But Min, I'm already fine." Kyuhyun said trying to resist from Sungmin pushing him to the bed, but Sungmin, the man who did martial arts, was still stronger.
"No, no, no. I decide whether you are good or not."
"Ok Min." Kyuhyun sighted laying in the bed.
"I was thinking in waking up you and give you food and then change your clothes for you, but I think that the part of food is already enough." Sungmin said while he took the foods, lay beside Kyuhyun in his part of the couple bed and started to give him some fruits and bread.
Kyuhyun seriously thought in stay like this for a long time, it wasn't so bad to have Sungmin doing all that he wanted or even that he never thought in ask for.
"So, if I stay here all the time." Kyuhyun said, right after drinking a little of juice that Sungmin gave to him, and put a hand in Sungmin's tight. "We should do..."
"Kyu ah! You're sick and hurt!" Sungmin said jumping off and staring at Kyuhyun. "You should rest!"
"Min. If I stay at home I don't want to sleep all the time."
"But I want to take care of you." Sungmin pouted with puppy eyes.
"Min." Kyuhyun sighted and buried his face in his hand.
"Kyu ah." Sungmin pouted again this time making Kyuhyun look up to him.
"Min, see like this, you already took enough care of me, now I'm totally fine because of you." Kyuhyun smiled making Sungmin do the same and hug Kyuhyun.
"But are you really really really really good?" Sungmin still pouted.
"Do you wanna see if I'm really fine?" Kyuhyun whispered in Sungmin's ear putting his hand in the man's tight. So they didn't hear when Yesung screamed outside their bedroom.
"I give up!"
Ryeowook, worried about Yesung screaming alone in their room together with two, correction, now three turtles, went there only to find Yesung sitting in his bed with his arms crossed and with an angry expression.
"What did happen?"
"I can't take pictures of them!" Yesung said not moving.
"But they are turtles hyung, they can't move too fast for you don't catch them." Ryeowook said taking the camera beside Yesung. Seeing the photos Ryeowook would crack up of laughs if Yesung weren't there and totally angry. All the photos were completely blurred or without any turtle on it.
"I don't know why I bought this camera anyway." Yesung said angrily again. "And I just wanted to put it on internet."
"Do you want me to take pictures of them for you hyung?" Ryeowook asked nicely.
"Would you?" Yesung pouted totally changing his expression.
"Of course hyung!" the Ryeowook went to the tank and took some pictures of the three turtles. "I guess that those are fine hyung."
Yesung went behind Ryeowook and saw the pictures there, his eyes then started to shine.
"You're so awesome Wook." Yesung hugged the man. "I love you so much, did you know that?"
"I did hyung." Ryeowook said laughing. Sometimes Ryeowook would ask himself why he loved someone like Yesung, but in the end he just knew that he did.