Title: When Sungmin Got Sick
polari-sPairing: Kid!Ryeomin
Raiting: PG
Genre: fluffy, kid!fic
Summary: Sungmin was sick, so Ryeowook tried to make him better by being his doctor.
AN: sponge bob helped me with the plot LOL
"Mrs Lee?"
Looking down, Mrs Lee saw the six years old neighbor smiling which showed more of his high cheekbones.
"What do you want Ryeowook?"
"I want to play with Sungmin, Mrs Lee. As I always do!"
"I'm sorry darling, but Sungmin is in his bed, he got a cold."
"But, I can play inside with him." Ryeowook pouted.
"And what if you get sick as well? Your mom would be mad at me."
"But I'm strong, Mrs Lee. I always eat the vegetables and fruits. Please Mrs Lee."
"Ok, Sungmin's cold is almost in the end, but be careful." Mrs Lee said letting Ryeowook get inside and saw the boy running through the stairs until Sungmin's bedroom.
"Sungmin ah!" Ryeowook screamed and jumped in Sungmin's bed lying atop of the boy.
"Ouch Wook." Sungmin whined. "My body is hurting."
"I'm sorry Min." Ryeowook pouted leaving the bed and looking to his friend. "Can we play?"
"I'm too sick for, Wook." Sungmin said coughing.
"But we still could play." Ryeowook pouted.
"So what do you want to play with?" the other boy asked tiredly.
"We could... we could... we could... maybe... We could play on 'Make you better'!" Ryeowook answered happily.
"And how it works?" Sungmin asked smiling at how happy Ryeowook was for having chose a game.
"I will make you feel better, no matter how!"
"And what is your plan?" Sungmin laughed.
"Wait here!" Ryeowook said and left the room and ran to his house not even answering Mrs Lee of why he was running. Getting home Ryeowook jumped in front of his mother, who was watching TV and kept jumping until that she gave him the needed attention. "I want to make cookies!"
"Are you already hungry?"
"It's not for me, it's for Sungmin, he is sick and probably cookies will make him feel better, so I wanted to make them for him." Ryeowook said quickly taking his mother's hand and pulling her to the kitchen. So they started to make the cookies. Ryeowook got himself filled with four as much as the cookies, but was he who made it all, saying to his mother to not touch in them, just to say to him how to do it. Half an hour later the cookies were all ready and Ryeowook was already running to Sungmin's house after cleaning himself.
Passing through Mrs Lee, still confused, Ryeowook went upstairs and entered in Sungmin's room finding the boy as he was left.
"I brought cookies!" Ryeowook said with a big smile showing the plate with some strange forms of cookies, but still they looked really delicious. "I made them by myself, but they are REALLY hot! So you must wait."
"Thank you Wook." Sungmin smiled.
"And I was thinking, so I'll make some massage in you while we wait for the cookies." Ryeowook said already moving Sungmin so that he was sitting with his back to him.
Ryeowook's little hands were massaging Sungmin's shoulder and suddenly the boy felt a little better.
"I'm feeling a lot better now." Sungmin said when Ryeowook stopped the massage. "Can we have cookies now?"
"I think yes." Ryeowook said, but before he could check to see if the cookies weren't so hot, Sungmin already went to take one, but he left the cookie to fall when it burned his hand.
"Ouch, ouch, pain." Sungmin cried holding his hand.
"I would check before you!" Ryeowook whined taking Sungmin's burned hand in his and gave some kisses on, but Sungmin didn't stop to cry.
"It's still hurting Wook."
"This would be the last thing that I would do to make you better. But you are worst now." Ryeowook said thoughtful, more to himself than to Sungmin as he was still crying and looking to his hand.
But then Ryeowook went forward and locked his and Sungmin's lips in a kiss. Sungmin kept staring at Ryeowook's closed eyes, but feeling that soft lips on his. For one moment Sungmin completely forgot his pain in his burned hand and asked to himself why he was crying.
"Are you better now?" Ryeowook asked after leaving Sungmin's lips.
"I... I am." Sungmin said getting his cheeks flushed.