Title: Bringing The Party
Fandom: BtVS/Avengers (movie)
Word Count: 2165
Prompt: #357 Leonardo DaVinci
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I own none of these characters, settings, or fandoms. They are the property of their respective creators and companies.
Summary: Buffy can always be counted on to bring the slayage party.
A/N: Follows
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Comments 4
It'll be interesting to see Buffy take a backseat when they get into a situation that's more Coulson's area of expertise. I'm all sorts of curious about that dynamic once it happens.
As for note 2 I didn't see any errors; even on the reread.
Coulson is a total badass and I love how he's all unassuming and then wipes the floor with someone's ass. :D
It's kind of scary how much I've got planned for this series and she'll help him out at some point. *bounces*
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