*Title: Love Ignites the Galaxy, Star by Star (*working title only, though it may become the permanent title by default).
Prelude: The Past Becomes Present
Rating: Uhm, probably a borderline R (?), for the overall work, though I suppose that's debatable . . . PG-13ish, maybe, for this part (?)
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the lovely characters from the Star Wars ’verse, more’s the pity! What I do have is an extremely contrary muse that refuses to shut up and leave me alone . . .
Summary: The future is never a fixed thing. Though certain actions taken at particular possible points of divergence can, seemingly, preclude the possibility of specific future pathways ever coming into existence, other unexpected choices can have extremely powerful repercussions with far-reaching effects upon the possible probable pathways that the future might yet take . . . and sometimes the spreading ripples of those effects can be so powerful that even the present and a part of the past can be altered, if enough raw energy is poured into the process of causing those effects. For Tahiri Veila, the possibility of swaying the current balance of power in the galaxy from darkness and despair back to light and hope seems worth any sacrifice necessary . . . even if she will have to give up her own life and the life of her unborn son to accomplish this. Will her sacrifice be enough to change the shape of the future, though, or will evil yet find a way to triumph, in this the worst and most wide-spread of all galactic wars?
Story/Author's Notes: For general notes on this story and proposed series, please see the entry on this NaNo project, at
http://polgarawolf.livejournal.com/140023.html Specific Chapter/Part-Related Notes: Please note that the prelude has deliberately been modelled on the unmarked introduction for Star by Star and is meant to help bridge the gap between the Legacy of the Force timeline and The New Jedi Order series!
Specific Chapter/Part-Related Warnings: N/A
Star Wars
The Rebirth of the New Jedi Order
Love Ignites the Galaxy, Star by Star
Prelude: The Past Becomes Present
27:05:01 After the Battle of Yavin (~1,028 After Ruusan Reformations or ~25,029 After Republic’s Founding)
There is a fine line between neutral and amoral. In fact, there may be no line there at all.
- Count Dooku of Serenno, from private journals abandoned after leaving the Jedi Order
They appeared without warning from beyond the edge of galactic space: a warrior race called the Yuuzhan Vong, armed with surprise, treachery, and a bizarre organic technology that proved a match - and, too often, more than a match - for the New Republic and its allies. Even the Jedi, under the leadership of Luke Skywalker, found themselves thrown on the defensive, deprived of their greatest strength, for somehow, inexplicably, the Yuuzhan Vong seemed to be utterly devoid of the Force.
The alien assault caught the New Republic unawares. Before they could rally and strike back, several worlds had been destroyed and countless beings killed . . . among them the Wookiee Chewbacca, loyal friend and partner of Han Solo.
The New Republic won the day - the first of a series of costly victories. But behind that alien advance fleet came a seemingly endless stream of ships and warriors. The planet Ithor soon fell to Yuuzhan Vong treachery - a devastating loss for the New Republic and a personal one for Jedi Master Corran Horn, who took the blame for that loss, given the very personal vendetta he had allowed himself to pursue against the Yuuzhan Vong leader ultimately responsible for that destructive act of treachery, Shedao Shai.
The New Republic government unraveled a little more with each setback. Even the Jedi Knights began to splinter under the strain. And while Luke Skywalker struggled with the dilemma of how to handle both the Jedi of his New Jedi Order and the threat of the invading Yuuzhan Vong (given a New Republic Senate that initially refused to heed warnings, listen to advice, or allow a proper line of defense against the alien invaders), he struggled with a private crisis, as well: his beloved wife, Mara, was ill and possibly dying from a debilitating and utterly mystifying disease, and it was taking much of her energy simply to stay alive. Lacking strong leadership, some of the Jedi fell under the sway of Kyp Durron, who advocated using every available resource to defeat the Yuuzhan Vong . . . including unbridled aggression, which could lead only to the Dark Side. Even the Solo children - Jedi Knights all - found themselves on different sides of the argument.
Consumed with grief and guilt for Chewbacca’s death, Han Solo turned away from his family, seeking expiation in action - and foiled a Yuuzhan Vong plot to eliminate the Jedi. He returned with what seemed to be an antidote to Mara Jade Skywalker’s illness, but not even that victory could erase the loss of his dearest friend . . . or completely mend his marriage to Leia.
Leia, too, was beset by guilt. She had disregarded a vision of the future, and now she blamed herself for the devastation of the Hapan fleet at Fondor - a mass destruction caused by the uncontrollable power of Centerpoint Station, a weapon armed by her younger son, Anakin, and misfired by Thracken Sal-Solo due to the interference of Leia’s eldest son, Jacen, when Anakin made to use the weapon against the Yuuzhan Vong fleet massing at Fondor.
The elder Solo son, Jacen, also had a vision - a terrifying one in which he saw the galaxy moving toward darkness. Afraid of tipping the balance farther towards darkness, the young Jedi temporarily abandoned the use of the Force altogether. Only the near-loss of his mother, Leia, compelled him to return to the Force.
In saving Leia’s life, though, Jacen had bested none other than the great Yuuzhan Vong Warmaster Tsavong Lah. In retaliation, the Warmaster declared a temporary truce on the condition that all Jedi - and Jacen in particular - be handed over to the Yuuzhan Vong.
Almost immediately, the Jedi became hunted, terror-addled citizens, power-hunger criminals, and political collaborators (such as the Peace Brigade) working to help capture and turn the Jedi over to the Yuuzhan Vong in hopes of winning money, favor, or immunity from the invading warriors. When the youngsters at the Jedi academy were threatened, though, Anakin Solo raced off to help, going undercover among the Yuuzhan Vong lower castes to rescue his friend Tahiri Veila. He ended up a hero . . . but the Jedi Temple on Yavin 4 was, nevertheless, destroyed.
Luke and Mara found themselves declared traitors by the New Republic. As a pregnant Mara struggled with the recurrence of her disease, Luke began to assert his leadership over the Jedi. With Jaina Solo’s help, Kyp Durron convinced Luke and the military to let him lead a mission to destroy a Yuuzhan Vong superweapon. The mission was successful . . . but Jaina learned, too late, that what they had destroyed was not a weapon but a worldship in the making - one filled with civilians and intended for Yuuzhan Vong young. Once again the balance seemed to be tipping toward darkness. The only ray of light was the birth of Luke and Mara’s son, Ben Skywalker, and the subsequent apparent destruction of the disease that had been plaguing Mara.
With their new worldship destroyed and their attempts to capture the Jedi largely frustrated, though, the Yuuzhan Vong have declared the truce broken. Once again worlds will fall, as the alien forces push inexorably Coreward, towards the very heart of the New Republic. And the Jedi may be the last hope in a galaxy that no longer wants them . . .