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Comments 41

drivelikejehn March 16 2010, 22:25:45 UTC
Number 4 gets my vote. And if you get tired of it, you can cut it off and start again.


polianarchy March 16 2010, 22:31:17 UTC


wedeconstruct March 16 2010, 22:29:36 UTC
I like the idea of a combo of 1,3, and 4. 4's bangs, and the basic style of 1 and 3. Also, love the idea of shorter with a few longer pieces. Do you have a stylist that's good with curly hair? That's probably the #1 thing that you need!


polianarchy March 16 2010, 22:35:37 UTC
cool, thanks for the vibes!

and, o yeah! Amy from TWIST is my go-to stylist -- she's great. my hair always looks awesome when she cuts it. my hair looks like crap right now b/c it's been since OCTOBER since i saw her.


skankykiwi March 16 2010, 22:39:41 UTC
first or 4th!! first would be amaaaaaaaaazing.


polianarchy March 16 2010, 22:46:21 UTC
in a perfect world, i'd be able to combine the two. hmm!


skankykiwi March 16 2010, 22:52:53 UTC
i know my hair texture is pretty darn different from yours, but, my bangs require to be sprayed and blow dried every day with a round brush in order for them to look great. (like dis http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2716/4425958994_5cf5074d7a.jpg )

otherwise they get pretty fluffy (like dis http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs449.ash1/24744_1382940901833_1481280009_31020520_2021228_n.jpg), so they are definitely high maintenance, keep it in mind!


polianarchy March 16 2010, 22:57:58 UTC
I HEARD DAT! heh...i have to do the same thing, and my hair turns out like this http://twitpic.com/18sjrs anyway. so, i'm okeh with it being a bit chunky. there's no way i'll be able to duplicate #4 "perfectly" as her curl is slightly looser than mine.

FWIW, i like your hair both ways! ;P


jezebel_rose March 16 2010, 22:44:46 UTC
first one, definitely. it think that would look great on you.


polianarchy March 16 2010, 22:48:24 UTC
this post makes me wish i had photoshop so i could stick my face on every picture. THIS IS HARD. i think i'm just gonna print this whole jawn out and bring it to amy!


epeolatry March 16 2010, 23:33:10 UTC
i'm another vote for #1


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