hajimete ai shita / in love for the first time - review...

Mar 25, 2011 15:42

Let me begin by saying that I absolutely adore this show. As such, I must warn for fangirly squeeing because there is, essentially, no other way for me to talk about it. Also, this entry is just a bit image heavy.

To be honest, I bought this show with the conviction that I would love it to bits and pieces. First, it is, of course, Kimu’s first top star show which makes it very important to me. <3 Second, it’s a Masatsuka show. I am considering collecting those, as I seem to like every single one I watch. The gangster themes, the conspiracies, the tragic character stories… well. I’m sold. I was very curious, however, to see Yukigumi as it is now. Seeing as I mostly watch shows from the Maachan/Komu era, I still am much less familiar with the current troupe than I would like to be.

Anyway, the plot. Basically, Guy Constantine (Otozuki Kei) is a freelance photographer who moonlights as an assassin (are we recognizing the fact that this is a Masatsuka play already?). While sniping someone, he is spotted by Rachel (Manaka Ayu) who then proceeds to jump off a building and get amnesia. Of course, he then decides to go and kill her since she’s a witness, finds out that she can’t even remember her name - and finds himself unable to do anything but try to help her (possibly to keep an eye on her as well - I mean, imagine if those memories returns…). It’s rather sweet. Meanwhile, Belmondo, the police officer (Sagari Seina) is doing his very best to deal with the crime plots in the city, mostly concocted by Guilano (Ayakaze Sakina) who is, incidentally, Rachel’s fiancé. If anyone’s wondering why she was jumping off a building in the first place, I think it’s safe to say that this could very easily be the reason why. Since I don’t speak Japanese, telling you much more than this is a little difficult - the plot isn’t impossible to follow (unlike Silver Wolf, for instance, this one makes quite a lot of sense even when you watch it without subs), but well. A lot of my ideas about it are rather intuitive. If anyone understands the details of it, please help? ^^

The set-up is very simple. Romantic, but modern and, compared with a lot of other shows, slightly minimalistic in nature. At the same time, though, it’s really clever. Functional without being over-crowded.

The music is beautiful. Rather pop-like and melodic. It’s very Western in terms of sound. In many ways, it fits Yukigumi as it is now - the tone is young, hopeful and just… light. Both the main theme and the love songs are incredibly catchy, too. And while I feel a little sorry for the background dancers who basically had to act like silhouettes for almost every single scene when they weren't dancing, I have to say that the effect was awesome. There is always someone singing in the background, too, in every scene. The set just has a lot of atmosphere.

So, TL;dr: it’s a very watchable show, very interesting and not too difficult to follow despite a rather heavy plot. There’s a lot of talk in it, too, but the pacing is alright nevertheless. I don’t usually go for the really talky plays since I can only understand things very sporadically, but with Hajimete Ai Shita, it's not much of an issue.

Let’s be gallant like Kimu and start with the lady. Manaka Ayu.

During her solo, looking impossibly pretty.

… I seriously have no words for how impressed I was with her performance. I didn’t know what to expect from her since I’ve never seen her in anything before, but wow! I was blown away. Her Rachel was very believable; the fact that she couldn’t remember anything and how she was so horrified as her memories returned and the sadness of her current life situation unfolded… ;__; Ayucchi did so well with all of that. She seemed to really feel the role. Her singing and dancing were top-notch, too. I just. Kept sitting there, feeling so, so grateful that they decided to give her this role and promote her. It might seem unfair to some, this whole musumeyaku situation in Yukigumi (which has been solved - hurray, Mimi!), but I am very happy I got to see her shine like this. Her softness reminds me a lot of Maachan. ♥

A few more caps:

Watching Guy be a creepy sniper. She's rather used to that kind of stuff, though, so she doesn't look all that impressed.

In the hospital, having lost her memories. <333 So pretty.

Out shopping with a hoard of other, shopping-crazed women - look at the poor otokoyaku in the background, doing his best (and failing) to keep his lady from spending all his money.

Otozuki Kei is my star and, of course, I love her unconditionally. However, I was really excited to see her as Guy because it’s such a different role to the others I’ve seen her in. Granted, I haven’t followed her during the Tonami/Mizu era, so I don’t know what her roles were like during that period - but I digress. Her Guy is wonderful. He is a very likeable protagonist despite how he kills people in his spare time. As always, Kimu's acting is really nuanced and interesting and so, Guy is not just a typical, hard-boiled assassin with a… penchant for photography (there’s a whole song dedicated to that camera - which, to me, is so sweet and dorky that I had to mention it). He’s resigned and slightly bored with life. Mostly tired, I guess, of being unable to fall in love. It’s the whole existential crisis-thing. Always fun. ;)

Anyway. I love her, I love her acting, her singing, her dancing, her everything. And I could keep going but I won’t because, yeah, it would go on forever. <33333333333333 Have some caps, instead.

This doesn't need an explanation, does it?

Reaching out for that thing that all angsty otokoyaku tend to reach out for. ~ I'm mostly just starry eyed, so I have nothing to add.

A serious look while being seriously good-looking in a well-fitting shirt. ;) Talking to Rachel in this scene, right before beating up her psycho boyfriend.

Awww. Look at them. <333333333333333 Just one pic of the happy couple. There are many, but I really like the chemistry between them in this one.

Sagiri Seina did an awesome job with Belmondo. He’s cool, calm, laid-back - but very human, too. I love how Chigi’s acting is so subtle in this play, both when she’s being funny and when she’s being calm and collected. Her Belmondo is very sharp. Human, too, but prepared to do what it takes to bring criminals to justice. I loved the character. <3 I also love her voice, which is a totally different matter but important all the same. I’m astounded by how much her slight growl reminds me of Mizu and I think her singing is really nice. I’d love to watch Nijinski and as such, am sort of sad that it's a Bow. ;___;

Talking to Guy and looking sliiightly suspicious.

This is a picture series because seriously, this scene...

So, I noticed you got this really big, really impressive bouquet. Now, have mine as well.

It fits right in with the rest of them, look! :D

... it does, doesn't it? Oh God, it doesn't at all. ;___;

Ah well, at least she looks happy. ^^

Daigo Seshiru did really well with Richard, Rachel’s very strict and professional physician. I love how she’s grown so much since last I saw her in Wasureyuki and I can’t wait to see her in Romeo and Juliette. I haven't got a lot more to say, so have a few caps.

I love her face. She's really beautiful. Also, the doctor is being serious here. I don't know what they're talking about, but it might have to do with Rachel and the fact that she fell off a building and only managed to get amnesia from it. I think that's pretty well-done. XD

Look at that smile! From certain angles, she reminds me of Eritan. <3 Richard was actually a pretty severe type of character, but I wanted one of those smiles in this review anyway. So sue me.

Ayakaze Sakina as Guilano was really good. I think she did a great job, portraying the villain. I have a villain-thing - they have to be interesting to me or I lose interest in the whole play. Saki definitely kept me interested. ^^ I think her Guilano was just enough of a bastard to be very three-dimensional - he clearly felt deeply for Rachel (though, as always, we should question the whole ‘I own love you’ when it comes from violent psychopaths) and I think the key word for him, as a character, would be ‘spoiled’, expecting everyone to just bow to his wishes if he yells at them loudly enough. He’s not wholly my type of villain but I think Saki was wonderfully scary and temperamental in the role.

Guilano, doing what he can to intimidate Guy. It didn't go all that well, but you have to admit it's a nice try.

Going as far as to scare old ladies. >[ Also, Maisaki Rin. <333

Other people that I loved and why:

Haruka Midori. I loved her because… Okay, wait. Look:

As Laura, Guilano's lover.

I have nothing else to add. ♥

Sahane Mako. Last show I remember watching her in was Silver Wolf and I admit to finding her voice a little bit screechy at the time. Not in this play, though. I loved her character, Jeanne, and I think she does comedy really well.

Don't break a woman's heart in this manner, you evil detective type! Basically asking Rachel to set up Guy, as far as I can understand. Can't be sure though, so if anyone wants to clarify/correct me, please go ahead.

Oh, look. Look what you did. Tears!

Of rage. Yeah. Get out, you soulless man-person before I beat you up with my tea towel!

Momohana Hina. I wish I could get you a decent cap of her, because her role is such a funny part. She's the housekeeper for Guilano and always runs around with a bucket, cleaning up when he's done hitting people.

Look at those glasses! Adorable.

Satsuki Aina had a really short but hilarious scene as Guilano’s lawyer. Oh Sylvie, you poor woman. As you can see, she is badly tried:

Having succefully managed to prevent her client from killing a police detective, Sylvie is less than impressed with the world.

Rinjou Kira was cool. ~ Really nicely understated acting, too, which seems to be a trend in this musical. Her character, Henry, is Guy's friend - and also, I believe, married to Jeanne. That's bound to be an interesting experience. XD

The tough guy look.

In a second, she's going to go, "Ehh... honto ni..." and he's going to be kind of embarrassed.

And what is this, forgetting to mention Saou Kurama. ;__; And I liked her character so much, too. Krizi hangs around the club a lot and passes on gossip to Natalie who doesn't always like what she hears. He tries to defend Rachel from Guilano's right-hand man, which, um, doesn't go well. >_> It was such a brave move, though. He's a sweet character.

Smiiiile. Looking smashing there.

And this little series, because awwwww, this scene... This song is generally just charming. Shopping is good for the soul, of course.

... mmmm. Not quite.

.... oh. What is that thing? It could probably eat your head!

Is that better? I think it might be. Besides, I have perfect taste in hats.

Last, but not least, Yumeka Ami. I feel seriously horrible about the fact that she’s been announced absent again. I have nothing bad to say about her (and even if I did, I think enough bad has been said for the time being, to be honest), but she’s so young. I think she still has a lot of growing up to do (naturally) and I hope to see her in smaller roles, doing awesome things and taking care of herself. Her singing voice is pretty, her acting is solid even this early on - come on, Hankyuu. Don’t ruin this sort of talent, please.

Diva arms. She did really well, singing in English. She seems wonderfully confident here. <3

Guilano is not the only one who knows how to handle a gun. Pointing it straight at Rachel in this scene because she Likes Guy Quite A Bit. It would be cute if she didn't look so deadly.

There are lots of people I haven't mentioned - like Asuka Yuu who plays a really strict police chief and raises her eyebrows sarcastically (and aptly) at Chigi quite often. Or Misa Noeru who is awesome as Guy's job broker - such a warm person, even when she's playing a character like Ash. And lots of others, but um. The length of this. T_T I'll just conclude that I love Yukigumi as it is, currently. Love, love, love.

I think the revue was really well-done, the otokoyaku dance was awesome and stylish, the musumeyaku dance was pretty and ballet-like, and the pair dance… the pair dance…

Seriously one of the prettiest I’ve seen. The romance was so pronounced, the story so well-expressed. Kimu is an interesting dancer; technically, I expect she’s as great as anyone (I’m not an expert by any means) but watching her dance truly is like watching a man - her movements are slightly stiff and graceful all at once. I adore this aspect of her, I truly do. Ayucchi seems to be a really talented dancer. She’s definitely the perfect fit for Romola de Pulszky. I think, dancing wise, Mimi and Kimu suit each other better than Ayucchi and Kimu - all the same, this pair dance was flat-out beautiful and I might have been watching it on repeat quite obsessively. Maybe. Possibly.

… caps. Right.

Kimu and her hands. Not to mention, her suit. I think all of her solos are great, but they are ridiculously hard to cap. >_> Kimu is hard to cap for me as a general thing, actually; her face just moves so much, all the time and she always seems to be mid-expression. I love that about her, too. <3

Dance, dance, dance. The music for this was cool; swing-like.

Pretty musumeyaku in golden dresses. Look at Ayucchi's perfect pose in the middle. <333333

Why, who could she be looking at like that?

Who else? ♥ Oh, I absolutely adore those two.

♥ ♥ ♥

The radiance! The happiness! /dies.

Okay, at this point it's only self-indulgence.

In short (it’s too late for that, isn’t it?): Hajimete Ai Shita is completely my type of play. It simply consists of all my favourite things: Consistently high singing quality, lots of acting and lots of plot, musumeyaku who are simultaneously cute and strong... Not to mention, a happy story! Musumeyaku being shopping maniacs! And otokoyaku with guns. Fighting scenes! People who get beaten up and/or shot!

… and romance. Lots of that, too. I’m just secretly a guy and find weapons and action much more important. ;) You’ll note that I capped all the sweetness, though. All in all, this play is a nice mixture of angst and light-hearted fun. I highly recommend it if you like that sort of thing. ~

sahana mako, manaka ayu, yumeka ami, otozuki kei, hajimete ai shita, asaka yuu, ayakaze sakina, haruka midori, yukigumi, saou kurama, sagiri seina, maisaki rin, momohana hina, rinjou kira, misa noeru, daigo seshiru, satsuki aina

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