I went out to eat with my parents tonight. I saw far too many very obese people, and as such, i would prefer to go out to eat no more than once a month.
well damn, i'm sorry. only meant to be a resolution to become more, and stay, healthy, ya know, eat less, exercise more, walk or ride my bike most places instead of driving, etc. eating out, especially at the cute little family restuarants in iowa such as the establishment i visited lasta night, is a sure way to eat way more than is healthy.
The cdc now rates obescity has the seventh leading cause of preventable death in america, down from second, when they found out that people in the over weight catagory live longer than people that are normal and under weight. So being healthier for most Americans really means exercisizing while maintaining there current weight. GO FAT! (although avoiding eating out is still a good idea)
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