So! In light of Owl's
recent post (which everyone should go look at right now. I mean it, go. GO. Come back to this one later), we've been discussing the possibility of creating a beach-side strip mall/shopping plaza! That is, a bunch of little stores set up, predictably, on the beach.
Obviously -- OBVIOUSLY -- the stores aren't going to just-- instantly appear. It's going to take time, and the characters will need to build everything themselves from scratch. There won't be anything too advance -- just imagine them as being higher class huts. :3 So no automatic doors or phones or security cameras/alarms. Just a bunch of little buildings for characters to have stores in.
And since there's no currency on the island, it's also been discussed that the characters running the stores can sell their items as they please -- either by having their customers do certain tasks, or by having characters trade goods! MY GOD, AN ECONOMY--
Of course, everything is up for discussion, and no one is obligated to help. In fact, if your characters think this is a terrible idea, they can sabotage the building or pull pranks on the workers -- but be sure that everyone's okay with that first, obviously. ;3;
So! Yes? No? Suggestions? Comments? Questions? Think this is a bad idea? Please say why here! You can also use this post to volunteer characters, just to see if we have enough people interested. If everyone is okay with this, I'll put up a post on the IC comm as the Doctor and your characters can volunteer that way. \o/