Sorry this is so damn longggg. And late.

Apr 11, 2006 19:24

About You
Name: Hannah
Gender(whatever that may be!): female
Age: 15
5-10 Favorite Bands: Bikini Kill, The Unseen, The Exploited, The Dropkick Murphy's, The Adolescents, Bad Brains, Guttermouth, Black Flag, Op Ivy, Tiger Army, ahh there's so many more..
Hobbies: drumming. That's pretty much it. Besides snowboarding in winter
Promote the community in one place and link it to us (this keeps the community alive):
How did you find out about us?(curiosity): searching for punk music communities, came upon a punk politics one. :)

-What government would you choose if given the chance and why?: I don't know too much about government, but what I do know tells me that I'd choose a democracy that operated better. If voting was different - say, we truly got to vote on the issues, such as to go to war or not. What if we were allowed a vote on that? We should be allowed to vote on everything. It's rare to completely trust a politician and agree with every one of their beliefs.
-What do you think is the most messed up thing happening in the US? In the world? Why? There's a lot of really fucked up things. In the US, one of the worst is the whole Roe vs. Wade issue. I think we'd functin a hell of a lot better as a whole if we could quit worrying about other people's beliefs and just went on our merry way. I mean, it's fucking America. There's a huge variety of beliefs and you can't put everybody under one law enforcing one belief. Same with all of the other US issues. Worldwide, starvation and war is the worst. It might be a typical answer but deal with it. We have all this bs over here; we're so fat that it's an "epidemic" now. As for war, it's war. Bad enough. We don't even hear about any of the other wars being fought except for our own. There's a lot.
-If you could change one thing about the US (or the country you live in) what would it be? What about the rest of the world? Why? I would somehow make people more tolerant of others, more considerate of their surroundings, and less selfish. Just general values. Everybody would be more willing to give, and to give things up, so less fortunate people would become more fortunate. The environment wouldn't be a shithole - people would be more considerate. Tolerance.. you have to have it in a society as diverse as ours. When you don't, things like gay marriage are outlawed.
-Name one political figure/"personality" that you dislike and tell us why in at least one sentence & no more than four. Then, name one you like and tell us why. dislike: all of them. They're politicians. I just don't trust them. Like: none. These are pretty pathetic answers, but like I said before I don't know that much about government. Funny how you can be so opinionated on something you don't know everything about, eh?

Give your opinions on the following issues and give an explanation why you feel the way you do. Do not just use yes and no answers.

Abortion: Don't take a woman's rights away just because her beliefs aren't the same as yours! Pro-choice. If you're pro-life, then it's as simple as not having an abortion.
Adoption: It's sad that children have to be given up, but in some cases it's unavoidable. I think it's a good thing. They just need to make it easier for good parents to adopt while keeping bad parents from adopting.
Marriage: Go for it.
Gay Marriage: Who's to say who can marry who and who can't? Totally for it.
Government (in general): Society needs to be organized, but every government is corrupted in some way or another. I'm not for it, but not really against it.
Feminism: Yes please. We're still opressed. By the way, did anybody watch Oprah the other day.. ?
Degredation of women in the media: I hate it. All the girls that think it's okay - they don't realize that they're just being opressed in another way. Women are beings, not objects! It's pretty much like saying "nigga" as a joke if you're not racist. It still implies the original thought. With this subject, it's that women are objects, which they are not.
Sexism: Hate it. Sexes should be equal.
Racism: Same with sexes -- everybody should be equal. Everybody has the ability to feel and think the same things, therefor they should have the same rights.
How Minorities are protrayed in the media: It's hard to say. When you look at things like Fox, NBc, and Abc, you can say that they aren't shown appropriately or enough. There are counterexamples to this, but they're not as popular, so for the mainstream media, it's fucked up.
Homophobia: I absolutely can't stand it. I've had a lot of gay/lesbian friends, and when you're straight, you don't think about how it feels when someone says "that's gay" or thinks that they're freaks. When you're friends with them, though, you see how much it affects them. It's bullshit. They're people, too, and should also be treated equally.
Transphobia: I can understand why people are afraid of something they don't know about. I don't know any trans. Therefor, I'm assuming that most people don't, just like most homophobic people don't have any gay friends so they don't understand that there's people behind these stereotypes. Against it.
The Media: brainwashing. You can't trust the mainstream.
Porn: For it! You should have access to things you want to see. Censorship is bs. When people consent to being filmed, people who want to watch it should be allowed.
War: Hate it. Sometimes it's necessary, but that's rare as fuck, and it's a sad and scary thing.
Death Penalty: An eye for an eye.
Gun Control: I haven't been able to make up my mind on this. If everybody had guns, everybody would be safe from all the other people with guns, because they'd be able to shoot the other person just as fast. Then again, if nobody had guns, there would be no danger. Then again I think people have the right to own a gun if they want, but that some people shouldn't be allowed to. I'm torn.
Euthanasia: It's sad. I think it should be allowed if the person wants to do it. Maybe there should be a restriction, such as if a family member or someone close opposes it, the person shouldn't be allowed to.
Affirmative Action: Not for or against. Not sure.
No Child Left Behind Act: Yeah, let's make all the special ed kids in Washington take the WASL, and see if they can pass! If not, too bad.
O_o Against.
Patriot Act: Well, it has successfully defined me as a terrorist because I support Peta and Food Not Bombs. Against.
Welfare: For. people have to get by somehow.
Religion: Go ahead, be religious, be a bible thumper. Just don't assume that your beliefs are the only right ones, don't shove them down other people's throats, and don't make people do things according to your beliefs.
Eating Disorders: Horrible. Stupid, stupid people. Stupid stupid media. What has caused America to become so image-obsessed? It's sad that someone will go that far to look good, or feel good, or whatever.
Self-mutilation: Dumb as fuck. You are an idiot in my eyes if you do this. And, you need some help.
Environment: Needs help! I don't want my grandkids to be stuck in the shithole from my generation.
Vegans/Vegetarians: I'm vegetarian so obviously I'm for it. I'm not one to force my opinions down other people's throats. Though, in no way does that mean that I don't inform them of what's going on. haha
Vivisection: Animal lover here. It's wrong.
Neo-Nazis: Burn, baby, burn. You are also an idiot.
Cloning: Against. Why do we need copies of living things? It's cruel.
Stem Cell Research: All for it. Did you know they can grow bladders now? What if they could grow hearts in the future?
Terrorism: Well, being a terrorist and all... just kidding. I'm against it - that only includes real terrorism. haha
Drugs (yes cigarettes and alcohol are drugs too!): Do what you want. Just make sure you know what you're getting into..
sXe: As long as you're not following it as a trend, go for it. Good for you.
Our current President and VP: sigh. Do you need to ask? Anybody that wants to take away rights.. gay marriage, abortion, calling me a terrorist.. *grumbles*
Anarchy: Sure it's a nice idea, if we lived in a polite society. But in the real world people think of themselves and only themselves and will do anything if they are allowed to. There has to be some sort of limits.
Fascism: Against. Sure, if we all had the same beliefs, but NO.
Communism: It doesn't work. It wouldn't be fair for a doctor to get paid as much as a waiter.
Capitalism: So far, it works. Kindof.
Liberals: Each party has their own faults and you can't
Conservatives: trust or support all of the ideas of any ONE.
Democracy: It could be perfect if it was set up the right way.
Protests: Hooray for freedom of speech!
Censorship: We should have the right to access something if we want to.
Draft: You shouldn't have to fight someone else's war if it's not something you support. Against.
People who suddenly became patriotic after 9-11: Why does it take a tragedy to cause change? And what are you becoming patriotic about? Is it because you want to stand up for something of yours that was attacked, or because everybody else was doing it, or because we had a lot of attention and you wanted to join in? I think it's pretty dumb.
Racial Profiling: Against. It's just another way of stereotyping.

What do you think of the following political parties? (US Members Only)

Republican Party: There are some things that I agree with, like the government should stay out of our lives. Most others I disagree with.
Democratic Party: I agree more with things here like abortion rights and environmental issues.
I still don't trust or go completely with either, though.
Libertarian Party: I agree the most with these onesss.
Green Party: I agree with these guys a lot, tooo.
If you can't tell, I'm a little torn. haha
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