stole survey. I am really bored. Like REALLY BORED at 11:15, holy shit...THE THING WASTED AN HOUR OF MY TIME?????? FUCK. Well, now I have to setup a surprise party now, so later
your name: Atif
your gender: Male
your birthday: 12/2/86
height: 6'0"
hair color: black
eye color: brown
your location: Dull City, CA (Irvine)
fears: spiders, snakes, heights
cheated on someone? No
fallen off the bed? Yah, funny shit, I broke my finger when I did
fallen for a relative? no
had plastic surgery? no
broke someone's heart? yeah (Stressful)
had your heart broken? yeah (VERY stressful)
had a dream come true? I'm working on making them come true
done something you regret? Yeah
cheated on a test? Yes
been depressed? Yeah, I just got out of depression last night
broken a body part? Yes
wearing: shorts, t-shirt
listening to: Foxey Lady- Jimi Hendrix
chewing: Gum
feeling: Still a bit stressed, but overall good
reading: my oakland a's ticket orders
located: in an apartment near campus of UC Boring (irvine)
chatting with: no one is up after 7AM, cept me
watching: nothing
should REALLY be: outside
SECTiON 4 [ DO YOU... ]
brush your teeth: yeah
like anybody: at this point, i have no idea what or who i like anymore
have any piercings: none
believe in God: belief in God, not much in my people anymore
believe in Santa Claus?: I would if I ever got present, but us Moslems get screwed every year
ever get off the computer: Nah Nah, but I should wean myself off. I need to get out of Irvine.
do you belong to a crew: Raider Nation Baby
do you hang out with the opposite sex: yes
do you consider yourself popular: It takes me time to get known, but, eventually everyone will know my name
do you trust your friends: yes, most of them
are you a good friend: if i am not, consider me a depressed motherfucker, I NEED PEOPLE TO BE HAPPY WITH ME. IM A GIAMBI minus STEROIDS.
can you keep a secret: yes, you need to do that shit in the OC
hugged: some random girl..
IMed: Babi sending me remixes of songs. GOOD SHIT
talked to on the phone: Asad
yelled at: I tend to control anger, so I don't remember
fell in love with: She knows
turned down: coffee girl. i don't intend to keep a relationship here unless she is too good.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Playwright/Writer/Author/Philosopher
What was the worst day of your life? Yesterday was big-time BAD DAY.
What has been the best day of your life? When I was in Oakland for A's vs. Red Sox game 1 of 2003 playoffs. A night I will NEVER forget
What comes first in your life? Mom, crazy how she is that understanding
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? After the past few years, it has been affirmed that my heart works in REALLY weird ways.
If you had an extra set of eyes where would you put them? Back of the head, obvious, but its smart
What do you usually think about before you go to bed? The things I didn't do good that day, and what I need to improve on the next day
SECTiON 8 [ FAVORITE . . .][all relative to the moment]
Movie: Man on Fire
Song: Smooth Criminal- Michael Jackson (SAVE MICHAEL)
Band: Rage Against the Machine
Store: Albertsons and Trader Joe's: The Only stores I have access to
Relative: My older brothers (Omer and Mustafa)
Sport: Baseball, but I love football and basketball also. Actually, I love nearly every sport
Vacation Spots: Yosemite, Hawaii, Mojave, Road Trip
Fruit: Apples
Candy: I am a sucker for chocolate
Holiday: Any day off
Day of the Week: Thursday
Color: Dark Blue
Magazine: Sports Illustrated, of which I read
Name for a Girl: Jade
Name for a Boy: When I think of a unique and exotic name for a guy.
SECTiON 9 [ DO YOU . . .]
Like to give hugs: Yeah
Sleep with or without clothes on: depends on weather, but usually shorts and tshirt
Prefer black or blue pens: black
Dress up on Halloween: yeah
Have a job: getting one next quarter
Like to travel: YES
Like someone: My brain seems to be on maintenaince, so I don't have an idea right now on who I like
Sleep on your side, tummy, or back? Side
Want to marry? Until I do, my mom is going to go crazy
Have a goldfish? I did
Ever have the falling dream? Yeah, and those were fun as HELL
Have stuffed animals? yeah, Montgomery and Big Dawg
Go on vacation? Sometimes vacation just comes to me
Abortion: Female's decision, not mine
Eating Disorders: They are bad. Really. They are.
Summer: I would like it to start now
Tattoos: hmm, I might pull a Vince Carter. Mama wouldn't be all happy.
Piercings: None
Make-up: None
Drinking: Gets me fucked up, which is usually why I do it anyways
Guys: besides the cocky ones, they are chill, easy to hang with, do nothing usually
Girls: VARIED... damn, and that time of the month thing, AAAAHH
Pierced nose or tongue? tongue
Be serious or funny? funny
Simple or Complicated? simple
MTV or BET? mtv
7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? i'll take jessica biel, that is about it
Sugar or salt? sugar
Silver or gold? gold
Tongue or belly button ring? tongue
Chocolate or flowers? the intent is what matters
Color or Black or white? color
Sunrise or sunset? sunrise
M&M's or Skittles? Eminems
Rap or Rock? I take both to an extreme
Stay up late or sleep in? Sleep is good
TV or radio? TV
Hot or cold? Hot water in shower, cold water anytime else
members of the opposite sex taller or shorter? just not extremely on each end.
Sun or moon? Moon, and not your ass, i have seen enough of those moons
Diamond or Ruby? Not big on jewelry
Left or Right? right
10 acquaintances or one best friend? a best friend
Vanilla or chocolate? chocolate
Kids or no kids? I'll take kids, I only have one life, and to be able to raise something like that, that will give me purpose when I grow old, if I reach it.
Half-empty or Half-full? Half full
Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup, but I love Mustard
Newspaper or Magazine? Magazines, but I love Newspapers
Spring or Fall? I like Spring weather, but Spring Forward, I HATE WAKING UP EARLIER
Give or receive? Love to give
Rain or snow? Snow
Happy or sad? what the hell do you think
sneakers or sandals? sneakers
McDonald's or Burger king? MCDONALds
Lights on or off? off
A house in the woods or the city? I am an urban boy
Pepsi or Coke? Coke
Nike or ADIDAS? Nike
Una Palabra by Carlos Valera is so beautiful, damn. That song just makes you think, even if you don't understand the song.
I have so far done a lot of cleaning, and I am hoping that I don't end up trashed by the end of the night. I have been just so fucked up these past few days.
I have never felt so bad in my life, because it was one of the first times, I didn't have anyone by my side to help me. I then went to the UC Irvine park, and find the bench that was made in memorial to my next door neighbor who died in an accident 2 years ago. I sat down, and I was sitting for 2 hours, listening to some light music, and just reflecting on my life. I cried for some time, of which I rarely ever do, and I picked myself up.
I said my goodbyes, and I took the long walk home. Nothing looked real anymore. I don't want to be here anymore.
I hate Irvine. I hate this place. I want to get out, and feel the air of a desert, the tops of mountains, I want to feel the rush of a city, I want to feel the roughness of giant redwoods, I want to pet an animal near extinction, I want to be able to stand next to things that have been around for thousands of years. To understand everything in my life.
I don't want alcohol and marijuana making things exciting. I want to live where I don't have to have them be my vehicles for happiness.
I can't believe I am killing this journal on the 15th, but I am. This part of my life, must come to a close. I am going to start writing in 4tifkamran. New Journal Name anyway. Shows identity. the '4'is there so my parents won't find it and scream at me later.
I have continuously seen myself garner success in my life. I want to live my life, and to be able to share with someone. I want to be with someone that I can teach and learn from. I want to be able to have friends that can find optimism in the darkest of situations. I want to be able to live and see the end of my days peacefully.
I want to see that I made a difference. This isn't about becoming famous. This isn't about getting remembered. This isn't about textbooks anymore.
All our ancestors did the most outrageous things, not to be remembered, but to feel that they had a purpose
Spirituality. bitch, it feels so good. I am only 18 years old, and I am at this stage in life already. I think I am even older than some 30 year olds.