Name: Kanika Sharma
Age (Must be at least 13): 15
Location: New York
Would you like to be stamped as a current member/ former or both? Both Please
Describe your personality: Well I'm some what of a realist but when everyone else is negative i'm positive, I'm extremely hard working and I try super duper hard to please everyone, i'm determined, caring nice, but sometimes I get taken advantage of and don't get credit for the work done. I'm also extremely caring, would describe my personality well. I also am sarcastic, headstrong, opinionated, and somewhat smart/funny. I lack in confidence and self-esteem and am reluctant to open up to people unless I have known them for a while, I am a good leader and find myself organizing many things and am somewhat of a workaholic, but am really lazy, am unorganized but that's the way i like it. I AM OBSESSED WITH HARRYPOTTER AND AM VERY RANDOM. okay that's about it I don't want to write anymore ;)
Strengths: Helping people, listening, being a leader, perfecting things, Italian, keeping secrets, getting into fights about harry potter being better than twilight, debating things such as politics, getting into fights with conservatives.
Weaknesses: Spelling/Grammar/Chemistry/Geometry/Not loosing my temper with my father
Dislikes/Pet Peeves: Pet Peeves: The sound of people chewing, people not recycling, when people use the back of a pencil that barley has an eraser and the metal scratches against the paper, when people are way to optimistic. Dislikes: Occasionally my sister, conservatives, CHEMISTRY, old people food, Geometry, Spelling
This or That
Extroverted or Introverted: Introverted
Idealist or Realist: Realist
Kind or Cruel: Kind
Forgiving or out for revenge:Forgiving
Leader or Follower: Leader
What do you value most?
-book: Harry Potter 1-7
-movie: don't really have one
-lyrics: none in particular
The Politician
-Right, Left or Center? LEFT
-Abortion? I am against it, but then again it depends on one's situation, if one can not afford the child, I would go with adoption, if one is a teenager and is pregnant I would lean toward adoption, if the child before being born has a terminal disease, it's up to the family.
-Creation? Depends I'm pro-evolution and I think it depends on the person so I think it's good to keep both in mind.
-Health Care (you saw that one coming lol!): FINALLY!!! I'M ALL FOR IT, AND AM VERY HAPPY IT'S HAPPENING :D
-Culture War?: Liberal :D
-Would you filibuster?: Uhm I'm not to sure, maybe I would but it would depend highly on the situation.
-Less or More Government?: It depends on the situation.
Anything Else? not really :)
Please Link to 3 Applications you voted on: there was only one