
Mar 01, 2009 23:51

DISCLAIMER: This Home Test is based on Process and obsessiveness. It has been packaged as a record of a mental patient, with an introduction letter that makes it seem The Cooper Union is a mental hospital, and the case worker is trying to get the patient transferred to their institution.

1. compose a drawing from dissections of two distinct household objects drawn from observation

Mixed Media (Book and Ink)

In choosing two objects, I wanted them to be completely different in material and purpose. I decided on an alarm clock (mechanical) and a book (intellectual). The alarm represents a functional yet involuntary process, and the book represents a functional yet voluntary process. By combining both of these objects into one, I have created life.
The body is able to survive due to involuntary functions, just like the alarm clock does what it is programmed to do. Through life experiences, we as humans learn other behaviors, which serve as voluntary functions. Just like a book contains information, and it is up to the reader to use it for its purpose. This piece is a blueprint for creating artificial life.
The alarm clock was disassembled and from observation, the pieces were drawn into the book. With each page number, the number of drawings was equivalent (1st page / 1 drawing, 2nd page / 2 drawings and so on). Then with a utility knife, the pages were dissected as if I was performing surgery. After I cut down to page 50, the words from the book and the lines and shapes from the alarm clock were combined. This process shows the importance of unification through creation.

2. a full-length self-portrait

VHS Approx 120 min.

My self-portrait shows the progression of my life for the past 8 years. I sit, I sleep, I clean, and I sleep. This is not my ideal situation, but this was an effect of prior circumstances in my life. Though this seems regressive, this routine has provided me with secure time to think. This process is about becoming content with my surroundings and myself

3. a view of an exterior space with an altered peripheral vision

Sculpture (Basswood and India Ink)

Peripheral vision is the beginning and end of one’s entire field of vision. Over time, I have become blind to the outside world, and now that I have to react with my surroundings, the process of correcting that blindness is excruciating. This piece is based on my process of rediscovery.

4. a sequence of images in search of a beginning and an end

Book (Acetate, Vellum, Thread, Ink)

With the help of Mathematics, I have created a book that documents the breaking down of a paragraph. For the complete mathematical breakdown, please refer to the thoughts journal. Each page of letters is given the identity of a beginning (red thread) or end (brown thread). The amount of letters per page is then broken down to a single digit and displayed as linear representation. Each group of numbers are then broken down to a single digit and considered the “final” beginning and end number. The purpose of this book is to show that a complicated process can be viewed as art.

5. Activate

Transcript (50 pcs. Textured cardstock, Letter Transfers, Ink)

Through the use of compositional elements, I have created a transcript using nonsensical syllabic patterns. The complexity of communication is portrayed through the patterns and the amount of cardstock used. Constantly referring to the included Symbol Key is a prime example of how frustrating it is for me to communicate with others. This is the process of communication.

6. design a platform, stage, or site for the redress of misdemeanors of public accountability (be specific-individual, corporate, state, media...)

T-Shirt (Screen Printed, Ink made from medium mat gel and India Ink)

I had to figure out a way to combine a political movement into a simple, yet complicated object. The ordinary viewer could look at this shirt and see numbers, but the meaning is clear when the numbers are decoded. I believe government redress would result in covering up errors and implementing something that gives the state more control. My intention is to bring about a sarcastic view of how the government would approach such concerns. This process is founded in frivolity, and how absurdity in itself is a work of art.
The ink used to print this shirt is made from a mixture of Medium Matte Gel and India ink. Though Untested, the thought is that the ink will run and the matte gel will stay when washed, causing the whole load of clothes to get stained. This would serve as a constant reminder that blindly following a movement can cause serious damage to this nation.

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