so yeah... im tired :(
saturday- cant really remember
sunday- woke up at friggin 7:30 so i was grouchy all day, but had a soccer game at 1- which we won :) then billy was supposed to come over but his sister lied to us so he didn't know he could come over :( so that kinda sucked so i had a boring day..
monday- had mcas. bombed it =/ i always do so bad and i couldnt even keep my eyes awake im sick of being so dumb. yeah right and i was ACTUALLY thinking of getting high honors this year, hahah.. in my dreams.
tuesday [today]- eh.. another day of mcas :( i think i did okay but joe pretty much WONT let me think because hes so friggin loud! got a 61% on my chapter test so yeah i failed twice.. im wicked mad about that. i thought i did good but GUESS WHAt i suck at math. watched the hobit again in english and me and sarah were going to shoot ourselves.. ahh! so yeah boring day then on the bus NICK WAS THERE and i was happy then sad because he informed me his haircut is a 3 so he couldn't come over.. then nick got off and i was stuck with fagtardo greg who dumped his water on me which i thought was pretty mean =/ so yeah. im here. being bored. then i have practice in wrenthem at 6:00 but people are saying it'll get cancelled, i hope- i'm not really in the mood for it.
i saw bianca. i saw so friggin happy, like i almost cried. i love her and missed her so much i hate not seeing her for long periods of time and never hanging out with her =( i miss her so much. agh, i say she moves in with me. <3
i hate being in bad moods =/