Title: The House of Velvets; Gravity
Pairings: Kris/Baekhyun, mentions of Chanyeol/Kyungsoo/Baekhyun
Genre: Angst, smut
Word count: ~9k
Rating: R
Summary: Baekhyun works in a pleasure house and there are instances where he breaks hearts, where he takes joy in what he does for a living. But there are also instances where Baekhyun wants to love and be
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Comments 11
uh, I'm with Baek. This was lovemaking.
And the IAMX songs just...
*90 degree bow in your general direction*
I'm currently writing this AU with another character's POV so hopefully you'll enjoy it too!
I KNOW! IAMX has amazing songs and inspiring lyrics... This artist is such an amazing and talented person, I'm glad you enjoyed his music!
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