Title: Ten Nights Author: pollicem Pairing: Tom/Harry Rating: R? Fandom: Harry Potter Theme: #10 - #10 Disclaimer: Not mine. Also, pretend Harry’s older - like 16, or so.
Brilliant, I know that's not what you would expect, LOL, but this conveys Harry's troubled mind so perfectly and dare I say fits canon Harry perfectly too, especially the not sleeping and walking around at night.
A very powerful piece of writing, I'm so glad you've written something else for these two.
It's a pity that Harry was so young in the early books - it makes my Tom/Harry life (a little) more difficult.
I really should write something happy for the two of them at some point, if only because I'm worried I don't know how to write something happy. (Maybe a cutesy hesitant first-time thing...?)
Also, for your enjoyment/terror, I've gotta write 16 more of these. (I thought it was fewer. 30 Kisses, though. So I gotta write 30.)
Comments 2
A very powerful piece of writing, I'm so glad you've written something else for these two.
I really should write something happy for the two of them at some point, if only because I'm worried I don't know how to write something happy. (Maybe a cutesy hesitant first-time thing...?)
Also, for your enjoyment/terror, I've gotta write 16 more of these. (I thought it was fewer. 30 Kisses, though. So I gotta write 30.)
<3 you
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