sept 16
Kirstin Malone benefit show
press release hereNeptune
Mahi Mahi
Fat Day
U.V. Protection
Plunge Into Death
Cathy Cathodic
Shore Leave
i.e really really solid amazing show
18+ at the Middle East Downstairs
8:00pm doors, price TBA (probably $10-$20 for a good cause)
go to this, cause I can't.
sept 17
WERS presents: RJD2(!!!), Mary Lou Lord, emergency music, and more
FREE, all ages
5-8pm @ virgin megastore on newbury st.
the Sweet saddle sideshow
"bicycles and gender and their intersection in history. we do some song and dance, a little burlesque, kazooing, history lessons and can offer some basic bike repair after the show. all this while on a bike trip from portland, maine down the coast."
7pm @ 31 beaufort rd., jamaica plain
movies with live soundtracks
midnight@coolidge corner theater
sept 18
temp. autonomous zone! 4 square! funny haircuts!
@ top of the arboreatum
clickers, videopigeon, piles, dial m for murder, carrigan, tristan da cunha & night rally
@ 81 linden street in allston, MA
7pm sharp???
all ages, cheap
sept 19
the can kickers
cello joe
7" revolution
@28 armstrong st, jamaica plain
Sept 21
protokoll (some of the best dance music coming out of bahstin right now-
big digits
@PA's Lounge, union sq, somerville
all ages
9pm sharp
I spend most of my time looking forward so the present doesn't take so long.