A large-scale park that may look moderate on the map, but as they say "It's bigger on the inside." A walk around the outer boundary of Xanadu will lead you to nothing more than a wall of thorns so thick and sharp nothing can cut through it or climb it. A bird's eye view of Xanadu shows a park-sized area completely covered by green canopy, making landing from flight virtually impossible. Parts within the gardens can expand or contract as they will. In winter, the temperate and tropical regions stay perfectly warm. In summer, the frostier regions remain cold as ever. Xanadu is filled with every biosphere imaginable...and sometimes the fauna that comes with the flora. Streams run throughout, waterfall and sand in others, crossed by bridges and littered with gazebos in which to find shade. Even explore unusual places like that abandoned shed. Visit, but don’t get lost lest you lose yourself forever.
Enter Xanadu through the shaded gateway. Come to a courtyard where in the center is a massive cherry tree that is always blooming no matter what season it is. Choose your path.
[garden entrance] [winter] [fall path] [pine path] [desert path] [rose path] [tropical path] [butterfly garden] [abandoned shed] &crypt
[stones]This place is quietly nestled in a corner of Xanadu. Rows of stones, crosses, and obelisks bear unknown names, some not named at all. The mausoleum is cold and very empty. If you cannot die in the City, then why does the graveyard exist?
&the zoo
[entrance] [II] [III] [???]Perhaps upon entering Xanadu you notice the gateway to one side, the entrance to the City's zoo. Oh, you want to think it's a normal zoo. You are wondering where your favorite animal is or perhaps scoffing about how this place is for children. Know this: like the gardens this place is bigger on the inside too. Upon entry you can feel it breathe with the yellow heat of the savannah, the chill of the white arctic, the green humidity of the rainforests, and the black vacuum of space. The zoo grows and shrinks, withstands and adapts, a living lifeform like the very organisms it houses, and it takes you where it feels you want to go...or don't want to go. Anything is in there and everything is. What is real, among the lions, tigers, unicorns, tribbles, and pterodactyls? What should exist and what shouldn't?
How the zoo reveals itself, presenting its plumage, its fine collection in beautiful, preened health, is different for everyone.
&Dewi Shri
[exterior] [lobby] [terrace I] [terrace II] [indoors]Nestled in one of Xanadu's more temperate areas is Dewi Shri, a restaurant specializing in South East Asia's finest cuisine and a fully stocked internationally palatable bar. The establishment is surrounded by fragrant lotus ponds with several paths for quiet walks. Dewi Shri,
the goddess of rice and propsperity, is always willing to extend a benevolent hand to enhance your evening. [thanks to
&the dojo
[exterior] [two] [three] [four] [five]Located near the hot springs, the Golden Bird Holy Flower Dragon Tooth Glory Dojo is a place where students and instructors from all the different styles of martial arts across the different worlds can congregate to learn and teach, or to simply practice when classes are not in session. Keep it friendly, though. Non-recreational fighting will not be tolerated and violators will be put in their place! [by
sisknowsbest and
&hot spring
[one]It's exactly what it says it is; a hot spring on the border of Xanadu, next to the temple. It is mostly maintained by the temple residents. [major thanks to
deceive for the pic~]
[exterior] [pillars] [side]The temple is located next to the hot springs at the border of Xanadu. It is open to peaceful people to live in, in exchange for helping out at the temple and the hot springs. There are several small rooms throughout the temple's winding corridors, but remember where you go; it is filled with secret passages, leading here, there and nowhere - sometimes never anywhere you want to be. [
floating_bamboo ♥♥♥]
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